TNB Night Owl – Weird State laws MISSOURI

Let’s take a drive through the home of BBQ and Budweiser and find some weird state laws!
Tune in next Friday to see this weekends comment highlights!
  • Speeding is not illegal
  • In Ballwin, You may not use vulgar language outside your home
  • In Columbia, You can not have a antenna exposed outside of your house yet you can have a 25 foot satellite dish
  • In Excelsior Springs, Hard objects may not be thrown by hand
  • You may not trouble squirrels
  • In Kansas City, Minors are not permitted to buy cap pistols, but they may buy shotguns
  • It is illegal to have a bathtub with it’s legs resembling animal paws
Y’all, I have to do a drum roll for this law because I don’t think we’re going to top this…
  • In Merryville, Women are prohibited from wearing corsets because “the privilege of admiring the curvaceous, unencumbered body of a young woman should not be denied to the normal, red-blooded American male.”
Am I wrong? Are you going to tell me that I’m wrong?? Okay, carry on my children.
  • In Mole, Scaring babies is illegal
  • In Natchez, You may not get an elephant drunk
  • In Perryville, You may not attack birds with any type of catapult within the city
  • In Purdy, Dancing is not allowed
  • In Springfield, Salesmen are not allowed to sell there goods while sitting in the middle of the road, screaming at vehicles passing by
  • In St. Louis, It’s illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer from a bucket
  • Milk men may not run while on duty
  • In University City, 4 women may not live together in an apartment
  • No person may own a metal pipe
  • In University City, You may not have a garage sale that is more then 2 days long

“In Mole, Scaring babies is illegal” The Mayor’s baby got scared and projectile vomited on the Mayor’s wife’s new dress. That is an easy answer to why the law was created. “It is illegal to have a bathtub with it’s legs resembling animal paws” When did Elton John live in Missouri and who did he p!ss off to get this law written? “In Purdy, Dancing is not allowed” Ahem… AND NOW I GOTTA CUT LOOSE. FOOT. LOOSE. “In St. Louis, It’s illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer from a bucket” Wow, the home of Budweiser really did sink to a new low. “No person may own a metal pipe” They have some CLUE fanatics in Missouri they have to put a stop to somehow.

Sources: Forest Grove Strange Laws

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