Biden Bits: Welcome Home

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Monday aka Labor Day 2021.

For Monday August, 6th, 2021, President Biden has probably received his daily brief, though it’s not listed on his schedule. This evening D.C., time, he will travel from his home in Delaware back to the White House.

The White House Deputy Press Secretary Chris Meagher said Saturday that President Biden on Tuesday will travel to Manville, New Jersey and Queens, New York to survey storm damage from Hurricane Ida.

It was also reported Saturday that President Biden and First Lady Dr., Jill Biden will “visit all three 9/11 memorial sites to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and pay his respects to the nearly 3,000 people killed that day.”

President Biden has tweeted 3 times so far for Monday. 

The “video” is 15 seconds long. The text is in all caps. The President delivers the voice over.

President Biden: Labor Day is about honoring the dignity of the American worker. The American worker has never let the country down. I’ve never been more optimistic about the future in America than I am today. Happy Labor Day.

His full statement on Rosh Hashanah:

On Rosh Hashanah, Jewish communities around the world celebrate the world’s birth and commemorate the creation of humankind.

Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe that follow charge those who celebrate to pause, look inward, and reflect on the past year. It is a time to undertake an inventory of the soul, a cheshbon hanefesh, and to ask of ourselves and of each other questions that go beyond our own individual faiths: Who do I want to be? What type of nation do we want to forge? What type of world do we want to create?

That is the message and gift of the Jewish New Year – a reminder of our infinite capacity to transform our lives and begin anew. To partner with the Divine and our fellow human beings in the ongoing work of creation. To rebuild our communities through empathy, acts of kindness, and compassion. To seek repentance, or teshuva, when we have fallen short of our values. Rosh Hashanah is a reaffirmation that we are each endowed, by virtue of our Creator and our common humanity, with the ability to bridge the gap between the world we see and the world we seek.

In that effort, we’ve made significant progress, but much work remains. To protect ourselves and each other against a once-in-a-century virus. To rebuild an economy that provides opportunity for all Americans. To give hate no safe harbor, and speak out with clarity and conviction against antisemitism wherever and however it manifests. To reaffirm our ironclad bond with the State of Israel.

May the year 5782 be a year of health, healing, and progress. And may we all be inscribed in the Book of Life.
Jill and I extend our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Rosh Hashanah in the United States, Israel, and around the world.

Shanah Tovah U’Metukah. May it be a sweet, healthy, and happy new year.

White 09/05/2021

On Friday President Biden offered the following Proclamation:

My father taught me from a young age that a job is about much more than a paycheck.  It is about dignity, respect, and your place in the community.  It is about being able to look your children in the eye and assure them that things are going to be okay.  When Americans go to work each day, they are not just making a living — they are pursuing a life with hope for the future.  In doing so, they build, drive, care for, and grow our Nation.

Hard-working Americans are the backbone of our country.  As I have often said, the middle class built America — and unions built the middle class.  Everything that supports a sustainable middle-class life was made possible by unions, and on Labor Day we honor all those workers — and their enduring movement — that keep our economy moving and make our Nation strong.

I believe that every worker deserves not only a fair wage and benefits — but freedom from discrimination, a safe and healthy workplace, and the respect that comes with a secure retirement as well.  That is why my Administration always stands proudly with workers.  It is why, in the American Rescue Plan, we gave working people a break — helping workers weather the pandemic, giving middle-class families raising children a historic tax cut, and upholding the promise of a dignified retirement by protecting the hard-earned pensions of millions of American workers and retirees.  It is also why I am committed to ensuring that all workers have a free and fair opportunity to organize a union and bargain collectively with their employers.  This has been a guiding principle of our Nation since union organizing was explicitly encouraged by the National Labor Relations Act in 1935.  But for far too long, that principle has been attacked and neglected.

American workers should make their own decisions –- free from coercion and intimidation — about organizing with their co-workers to have a stronger voice in their workplaces, their communities, and their government.  That is why I strongly support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act.  It is also why I created the Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, and asked Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of Labor Martin Walsh to serve as its chair and vice chair.

After more than a year in which essential workers made extraordinary sacrifices and carried our Nation on their backs, this Labor Day we see more clearly than ever that we must build an economy that responds to the needs and aspirations of working people — an economy that deals everyone in and brings everyone along.  The pandemic has also exacerbated and revealed for all to see the places where our Nation has fallen short of its promise to deliver equal opportunity to workers of color and their communities.  To help address that long-standing challenge, my Administration is pursuing a comprehensive approach to advancing equity, as illustrated in the Executive Order I signed on my first day in office entitled Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities.

Despite the tremendous progress we have made to advance labor protections and strengthen the voice of workers in the workplace, there is still much more we need to do.  As in every generation since Labor Day was first celebrated in the late 19th century, there are still those who resist Americans’ efforts to build and sustain worker power — the engine of our economic growth, the key to our long-term success, and the best defense against corporate abuses of power in workplaces, our economy, and our democracy.  Over the years, the Labor Movement has won many battles:  establishing the 40-hour work week, integrating workplaces, eliminating child labor, securing health and safety protections for workers, and countless other victories.  Workers and their unions prevailed time and time again — but the work continues.  We are going to keep fighting to restore power to working families and protect the rights of hard-working Americans and unions.  That includes seizing the golden opportunity ahead of us to make the largest investment in nearly a century in American infrastructure, American workers, and good union jobs through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

On this Labor Day, we honor the pioneers who stood up for the dignity of working people — leaders like César Chávez, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., A. Phillip Randolph, John L. Lewis, Samuel Gompers, Frances Perkins, and many more.  Let us also remember the tireless voices for working families that we have recently lost, including my friend Richard Trumka.  We must recommit ourselves to advancing the historic progress these trailblazers made as we work to deliver a decent life with security, respect, and dignity for all.

White 09/03/2021.

When Biden Bits was published on Friday, President Biden had tweeted 1 time. He added 3 tweets giving him a Friday Tweeting Total of 4 tweets and probably a re-tweet, I think he retweeted on Friday…

Since it’s Monday and he did tweet over the weekend and some connect to things he tweeted Friday, I’m going to include them all together.

On Saturday he tweeted 4 times.
On Sunday he tweeted 3 times.

The Economy Tweets:




On Friday President Biden offered remarks on the August Jobs Report.

The YouTube stream is 19 minutes and 45 seconds long. His full remarks can be found here.

President Biden (0:26): Today, we learned the economy created 235 new — thousand — new jobs in August.  And the unemployment rate fell to 5.2 percent, the lowest it has been in 18 months. But despite the impact of the Delta variant — and I’ll talk a little more about that in a minute — what we’re seeing is an economic recovery that is durable and strong. The Biden plan is working.  We’re getting results.  America is on the move again.  And today’s revision of previous month job gains, with the revision of the July numbers — this report means that we have been adding an average of 750,000 jobs per month, on average, during the past three months. And in the three months before I became President?  Well, we were adding 60,000 jobs a month. The total job creation in the first seven months of my administration is nearly double — double any prior first-year President. While I know some wanted to see a larger number today, and so did I, what we’ve seen this year is a continued growth, month after month, in job creation.  It’s not just that I’ve added more jobs than any first-year President — in the first year of any President — it’s that we’ve added jobs in every single one of my first seven job reports.  And wages are going up. Some more jobs — some — some mo- — some months are fewer, some months more, but always adding jobs. This is the kind of growth that makes our economy stronger and consistent progress, and not boom or bust. Our economy grew the first half of this year at the fastest rate in about 40 years.

President Biden (2:08): We’re the only developed country in the world — I’ll say that again — we’re the only developed country in the world whose economy is now bigger than it was before the pandemic. Because of the groundwork we laid with the American Rescue Plan, our vaccination — and our vaccination strategy, we’re seeing an economy and a job market that can weather the ups and downs of the Delta variant and anything else that comes our way. You know, we have a lot more work to do, as I will discuss shortly. But the facts speak for themselves. Think of where this country stood on the day I was sworn in as President, and compare it to where we are today. The number of people filing new claims for unemployment each week is down 57 percent. Down 57 percent. Child poverty is down nearly 50 percent. We’re no longer seeing long lines of people waiting for boxes of food to be put in their trunk after waiting for hours, or sometimes up to two hours. The unemployment rate is down, from 6.3 percent to 5.2. And I believe it’s going to continue to go down. And it’s no wonder that last week’s Gallup poll found that 72 percent of Americans think that now is a good time to find a quality job. At this time last year, that number was 30 percent. And that’s the mark of an economy where regular people can see a place for themselves in the economy.

President Biden (6:48): The second thing that has to happen in September is for the Congress — the House and Senate — to finish the job of passing my economic agenda so that we can keep up the historic momentum we’ve been building these last seven months.  It’s about investing in America’s future, not about short-term stimulus; that’s not what we’re talking about.  These are long-term prosperity we’re talking about — about lowering the cost of living for families, creating millions of good-paying jobs for hardworking Americans.  It’s about reducing bottlenecks in our economy, reducing long-term price pressures.  It’s about helping more people to work by helping ease the burden that parents bear, especially mothers, keeping them out of the job market. 

The Hurricane Ida tweets:


The below YouTube is 8 minutes and 2 seconds long. His full remarks can be found here.



On Thursday President Biden offered remarks on Hurricane Ida.

The YouTube video is 17 minutes and 18 seconds long. His full remarks can be found here.

President Biden (13:49): My message to the people of the Gulf Coast, who I’m going to visit tomorrow: We are here for you.  And we’re making sure the response and recovery is equitable so that those hit hardest get the resources they need and are not left behind. Whether you’re a homeowner, a renter, a parent, a small-business owner — no matter who you are, if you live in the affected area, please visit  Go online and vis- — to find help now.  That’s  Or call 1-800-621-FEMA — F-E-M-A.  1-800-621-FEMA — F-E-M-A.  That’s 1-800-621-3362.  There’s help you can qualify for right away.

On Friday he also received a briefing from local officials on the impacts of Hurricane Ida.

The YouTube video is 15 minutes and 30 seconds long. His full remarks can be found here.

The Other Tweets.


The video is 2 minutes and 19 seconds long. President Biden and Stephanie discuss how FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine allowed Stephanie to be more comfortable in getting vaccinated.

This is an open thread


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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.