Let’s take a drive to where everything is bigger to find some weird state laws!
- It is illegal to sell one’s eye
- It is illegal to milk another person’s cow
- The entire Encyclopedia Britannica collection is banned in Texas because one of the books contains a formula for making beer at home
- While we’re on the subject of beer, it’s illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing
- Criminals must give their victims 24-hour notice before committing a crime, either orally or in writing
- It is against the law to throw confetti, rubber balls, whips, firecrackers, or feather dusters in the town of Borger
- It’s illegal to dust any public building with a feather duster in Clarendon
- It’s against the law to sell Limburger cheese on Sundays in Houston
- It’s illegal to emit obnoxious odors while on an elevator in Port Arthur
- Any person who sits on a sidewalk in Galveston may be fined up to $500