Biden Bits: “The State of Our Union is Strong & Getting Stronger”…

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday…

President Biden’s public schedule for 03/08/2024:

10:00 AMIn-Town Pool Call Time
In-Town Pool
12:45 PMOut-of-Town Pool Call Time
Joint Base Andrews Overhang Out-of-Town Pool
1:00 PMSupplemental Pool Call Time
1:40 PM
Leaves the White House
The President and The First Lady depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
South Lawn Open Press
2:00 PM
Leaves Joint Base Andrews
The President and The First Lady depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Joint Base Andrews Out-of-Town Pool
2:15 PM
Press Gaggle
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One
2:45 PM
Arrives in Philly
The President and The First Lady arrive in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Open Press
5:00 PM
Campaign Event
The President and The First Lady deliver remarks at a campaign event
Open Press
7:45 PM
Leaves Philly
The President and The First Lady depart Philadelphia, Pennsylvania en route to New Castle, Delaware
Out-Of-Town Pool
8:00 PM
Arrives in New Castle
The President and The First Lady arrive in New Castle, Delaware

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One @2:15 p.m. D.C., time:

State of the Union Tweets

From Thursday…

I gave the White House a few hours to post the State of the Union remarks as delivered, it’s now a couple of hours before post time; it’s still not posted so, I will be using for today’s State of the Union Tweets his as prepared for delivery remarks, they will mostly match the tweets.

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery; the YouTube is 1 hour and 52 minutes long; it has 24 minutes of dead air prior to the start.

Overseas, Putin of Russia is on the march, invading Ukraine and sowing chaos throughout Europe and beyond. 


But Ukraine can stop Putin if we stand with Ukraine and provide the weapons it needs to defend itself. That is all Ukraine is asking. They are not asking for American soldiers. 


My message to President Putin is simple.  

We will not walk away. We will not bow down. I will not bow down. 

History is watching, just like history watched three years ago on January 6th. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Today, we’ve made NATO stronger than ever. 

We welcomed Finland to the Alliance last year, and just this morning, Sweden officially joined NATO, and their Prime Minister is here tonight. 

Mr. Prime Minister, welcome to NATO, the strongest military alliance the world has ever known. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Prior to the State of the Union…

From the White House…


Statement from President Joe Biden Welcoming Sweden to NATO:

Today, I am honored to welcome Sweden as NATO’s 32nd Ally.
75 years ago—when the United States and 11 other nations came together to establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—President Truman said the Alliance, “would create a shield against aggression and fear of aggression.” Today, that shield—and transatlantic security—is stronger than ever with the formal addition of Sweden to NATO.
When Putin launched his brutal war of aggression against the people of Ukraine, he thought he could weaken Europe and divide NATO. Instead, in May 2022, Sweden and Finland—two of our close partners, with two highly capable militaries—made the historic decision to apply for full NATO membership. Alliance members ratified Finland’s membership last year ahead of our historic summit in Vilnius. And, with the addition of Sweden today, NATO stands more united, determined, and dynamic than ever—now 32 nations strong.
Today, we once more reaffirm that our shared democratic values—and our willingness to stand up for them—is what makes NATO the greatest military alliance in the history of the world. It is what draws nations to our cause. It is what underpins our unity. And together with our newest Ally Sweden—NATO will continue to stand for freedom and democracy for generations to come. I look forward to hosting all 32 Allies for the 75th Anniversary NATO Summit this summer in Washington D.C.

White 03/07/2024.

As I’ve done ever since being elected to office, I ask you all, without regard to party, to join together and defend our democracy! 

Remember your oath of office to defend against all threats foreign and domestic. 

Respect free and fair elections! Restore trust in our institutions! And make clear –political violence  

has absolutely no place in America! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Joining us tonight is Latorya Beasley, a social worker from Birmingham, Alabama. 14 months ago tonight, she and her husband welcomed a baby girl thanks to the miracle of IVF. 

She scheduled treatments to have a second child, but the Alabama Supreme Court shut down IVF treatments across the state, unleashed by the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Joining us tonight is Kate Cox, a wife and mother from Dallas. 

When she became pregnant again, the fetus had a fatal condition. 

Her doctors told Kate that her own life and her ability to have children in the future were at risk if she didn’t act. 

Because Texas law banned abortion, Kate and her husband had to leave the state to get the care she needed. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

If Americans send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you, I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

I’m gonna post more than the tweets to remarks text, cause other wise context will be lost…

A great comeback story is Belvidere, Illinois. Home to an auto plant for nearly 60 years.

Before I came to office the plant was on its way to shutting down.

Thousands of workers feared for their livelihoods. Hope was fading.

Then I was elected to office and we raised Belvidere repeatedly with the auto company knowing unions make all the difference. 

The UAW worked like hell to keep the plant open and get those jobs back. And together, we succeeded! 

Instead of an auto factory shutting down an auto factory is re-opening and a new state-of-the art battery factory is being built to power those cars. 

Instead of a town being left behind it’s a community moving forward again! 

Because instead of watching auto jobs of the future go overseas 4,000 union workers with higher wages will be building that future, in Belvidere, here in America! 

Here tonight is UAW President, Shawn Fain, a great friend, and a great labor leader. 

And Dawn Simms, a third generation UAW worker  in Belvidere. 

Shawn, I was proud to be the first President in American history to walk a picket line. 

And today Dawn has a job in her hometown providing stability for her family and pride and dignity. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Four years ago next week, before I came to office, our country was hit by the worst pandemic and the worst economic crisis in a century.


15 million new jobs in just three years – that’s a record! 

Unemployment at 50-year lows.


And we have. It doesn’t make the news but in thousands of cities and towns the American people are writing the greatest comeback story never told. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere else. 

It’s wrong and I’m ending it. 

With a law I proposed and signed and not one Republican voted for we finally beat Big Pharma! 

Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin seniors with diabetes only have to pay $35 a month! 

And now I want to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for every American who needs it! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

But my predecessor and many in this chamber want to take that protection away by repealing the Affordable Care Act. 

I won’t let that happen! 

We stopped you 50 times before and we will stop you again! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Now pass my plan to build and renovate 2 million  affordable homes and bring those rents down! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

From the White House…


To remain the strongest economy in the world we need the best education system in the world. 

I want to give every child a good start by providing access to pre-school for 3- and 4-year-olds. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

I fixed student loan programs to reduce the burden  of student debt for nearly 4 Million Americans including nurses firefighters and others in public service like Keenan Jones a public-school educator in Minnesota who’s here with us tonight. 

He’s educated hundreds of students so they can go to college now he can help his own daughter pay for college.  

Such relief is good for the economy because folks are now able to buy a home start a business even start a family. 

While we’re at it I want to give public school teachers a raise! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Do you really think the wealthy and big corporations need another $2 trillion in tax breaks? 

I sure don’t. I’m going to keep fighting like hell to make it fair! 

Under my plan nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay an additional penny in federal taxes. 

Nobody. Not one penny. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

That’s why I’ve proposed a minimum tax of 25% for billionaires. Just 25%. 

That would raise $500 Billion over the next 10 years. 

Imagine what that could do for America. Imagine a future with affordable child care so millions of families can get the care they need and still go to work and help grow the economy. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

We can fight about the border, or we can fix it. I’m ready to fix it. 

Send me the border bill now! 


The result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security reforms we’ve ever seen  

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Joining us tonight are other marchers who were there including Betty May Fikes, known as the “Voice of Selma”. 

A daughter of gospel singers and preachers, she sang songs of prayer and protest on that Bloody Sunday, 

to help shake the nation’s conscience. Five months later, the Voting Rights Act was signed into law.   

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

1.1 Bettie Mae Fikes–This Little Light of Mine from SNCC Digital Gateway on Vimeo.

John Lewis was a great friend to many of us here. But if you truly want to honor him and all the heroes who marched with him, then it’s time for more than just talk. 

Pass and send me the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

We are also making history by confronting the climate crisis, not denying it. 

I’m taking the most significant action on climate ever in the history of the world. 

I am cutting our carbon emissions in half by 2030.

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Keep building public trust, as I’ve been doing by taking executive action on police reform, and calling for it to be the law of the land, directing my Cabinet to review the federal classification of marijuana, and expunging thousands of convictions  for mere possession, because no one should be jailed for using or possessing marijuana! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

With us tonight is Jasmine, whose 9-year-old sister Jackie was murdered with 21 classmates and teachers at her elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.


I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years! 

Now we must beat the NRA again! 

I’m demanding a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

Tonight, I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters. 

No U.S. boots will be on the ground. 

This temporary pier would enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day. 

But Israel must also do its part. 

Israel must allow more aid into Gaza and ensure that humanitarian workers aren’t caught in the cross fire. 

To the leadership of Israel I say this. 

Humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip. 

Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

From the White House…



Here at home I’ve signed over 400 bipartisan bills.  

But there’s more to do to pass my Unity Agenda. 

Strengthen penalties on fentanyl trafficking. 

Pass bipartisan privacy legislation to protect our children online. 


And keep our one truly sacred obligation, to train and equip those we send into harm’s way and care for them and their families when they come home, and when they don’t.  


And we owe it to ourselves to keep supporting our new health research agency called ARPA-H and remind us that we can do big things like end cancer as we know it! 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

From Friday…

In my career I’ve been told I’m too young and I’m too old. 

Whether young or old, I’ve always known what endures. 

Our North Star. 

The very idea of America, that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. 

We’ve never fully lived up to that idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either. 

And I won’t walk away from it now. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

And when you get to my age certain things become clearer than ever before. 


My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. 

A future based on the core values that have defined America. 

Honesty. Decency. Dignity. Equality. 

Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery. 03/07/2024.

“New” from the White House…


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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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