North Korea Tests New “High Tech” Weapon

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un talking in Capella Hotel, during the Singapore summit.

North Korean officials have announced the successful test of an unspecified “high tech” weapon via their state-run media.  Per the BBC, the KCNA – the official news agency of North Korea – provided few details of the weapon.

It has been said to have developed over a long period of time, it is reportedly a tactical weapon, and the testing was carried out at the Academy of National Defense Science.  Beyond that, the only concrete information was that it was commissioned by Kim Jong Un’s father and that Un oversaw the testing.

A South Korean government source with military knowledge told CNN the weapon was likely a piece of long-range artillery “likely to be a multiple rocket launcher.”

“As it is a tactical weapon test, we do not view it as a North Korean military provocation,” the source said.


This event follows a recent delay of a planned meeting between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and North Korean officials because of problems with denuclearization talks, even though Pompeo had praised the progress achieved just one month prior and President Trump had broadcast that information on Twitter.

There is no word on whether the announcement of the new weapon has impacted the love that President Trump feels for the North Korean dictator.

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About AlienMotives 1991 Articles
Ex-Navy Reactor Operator turned bookseller. Father of an amazing girl and husband to an amazing wife. Tired of willful political blindness, but never tired of politics. Hopeful for the future.

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