Trump Tweets From London

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday.

Day 70 of the Impeachment Inquiry has arrived. Late Monday the Judiciary Committee announced their intended witnesses for their first public Impeachment Inquiry Hearing on Wednesday. The hearing will focus on the Constitutional grounds for Presidential Impeachment.

Scheduled to appear:

  • Noah Feldman Harvard Law professor.
  • Pamela Karlan Stanford Law professor.
  • Michael Gerhardt University of North Carolina Law professor.
  • Republican minority witness George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley.

As the News Blender explained on Monday, the President’s White House Counsel Pat Cipollone declined representing President Trump at Wednesday’s hearing.

The President is currently attending a NATO Summit in London, so far from the sidelines of the Summit he has tweeted 2 times, and retweeted 8 times.

On Monday TIME published an interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ahead of his peace talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin scheduled to take place on December 9th.

President Zelensky is asked about the July 25th phone call with President Trump that’s at the heart of the Impeachment Inquiry.

Reporter: When did you first sense that there was a connection between Trump’s decision to block military aid to Ukraine this summer and the two investigations that Trump and his allies were asking for? Can you clarify this issue of the quid pro quo?

Zelensky: Look, I never talked to the President from the position of a quid pro quo. That’s not my thing. … I don’t want us to look like beggars. But you have to understand. We’re at war. If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us. I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It just goes without saying.

Opinion: I think Zelensky was clear, quid pro quo wasn’t on his mind, what was on his mind, his newly elected Presidential mind was the fact that he needed the U.S., and the U.S., President wanted a public announcement of an investigation into a political rival and that political rivals private citizen son. For him it was about the war, and IMO our President used that to leverage his own personal political gain.

France and Germany are scheduled to mediate the peace talks between President Zelensky and President Putin.

TIME Editors Note: What follows is a partial transcript of the hourlong interview, which was conducted jointly by TIME, Le Monde of France, Der Spiegel of Germany and Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland. It has been condensed and edited for clarity by TIME.

While I would normal post a new tweet here, his next tweet needs a set up.

While speaking to reporters from the NATO Summit in London, the President was asked if the U.S. supported the protesters in Iran.

He says: I don’t want to comment on that, but the answer is no. But I don’t want to comment.


November 26th, 2019.

December 2nd.

Pompeo in part: We’ve supported those protesters. (20 second mark).

Shortly after the President told reporters that the U.S. did not support the protesters in Iran the President tweeted.

Some Highlights.

November 12th, 2018 as the News Blender reported a new study found that North Korea had not disclosed at least thirteen missile operations bases.

November 16th, 2018 as the News Blender reported North Korea announced a successful test of a new “high tech” weapon.

March 8th, 2019 as the News Blender reported satellite images showed that the Sohae launch site that was decommissioned following the first summit between President Trump and Kim Jong-un was being rebuilt.

April 18th, 2019 as the News Blender reported North Korea test fired a “new-type tactical guided weapon.” North Korea went on to heckle South Korea.

July 31st, 2019 as the News Blender reported North Korea fired more missiles that flew about 155 miles, that test firing followed only a week after North Korea test fired two different types of missiles.

But yeah, we don’t know…

This post will be updated within reason.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.