Watch Live: Day 1 House Judiciary Committee Impeachment Inquiry Hearings

President Trump and President Zelensky 9/25/19. Photo by The Presidential Office of the Ukraine.

Wednesday the Impeachment Inquiry process moves into a new phase, with the House Judiciary Committee holding a public hearing said to focus on the Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment.

Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) explained in his statement regarding the hearing that the first task “is to explore the framework put in place to respond to serious allegations of impeachable misconduct like those against President Trump.”

On Tuesday House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) released a detailed report entitled “The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report.”

According to the report the Impeachment Inquiry found “that President Trump, personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection.”

The report goes on to explain that while the July 25th, 2019 phone call between President Trump and newly elected President Zelensky was at the center of the investigation, they discovered that the phone call was neither the start nor the end of President Trump’s efforts to use U.S. foreign policy for his own personal gain.

Impeachment Inquiry Report pg. 9.

As CNN notes the main portions of the report have been well documented following two weeks of public testimony, however, there are some new details revealed in the form of call logs.

Impeachment Inquiry Report pg. 46.

The report does not detail how the Committees obtained the call logs, but Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) told CNN that the panel “subpoenaed outside third-party phone records.”

A spokesman for AT&T, Jim Greer said in a statement via CNN, that “Like all companies, we are required by law to provide information to government and law enforcement agencies. In all cases, we ensure that requests for assistance are valid and that we act in compliance with the law.”

The attorney for Lev Parnas blasted Nunes on Twitter following the release of the Impeachment Inquiry Report.

Nunes did not return requests to CNN for comment, however he did appear on Hannity where he said it was possible he spoke with Lev Parnas.

The report also details the President’s repeated attempts to obstruct Congressional Oversight.

Impeachment Inquiry Report pg. 31.

As the News Blender reported on Tuesday the President’s White House Counsel declined to attend Wednesday’s hearing.

Scheduled to appear before the House Judiciary Committee:

  • Noah Feldman Harvard Law professor.
  • Pamela Karlan Stanford Law professor.
  • Michael Gerhardt University of North Carolina Law professor.
  • Republican minority witness George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley.

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For public documentation regarding the Impeachment Inquiry @ Just Security.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.