Sean Hannity Named as Michael Cohen’s Mystery 3rd Client

In a twist that is likely to keep “Twitter” buzzing for hours it has been revealed that Radio and Fox News Show Host Sean Hannity was the as of yet unnamed 3rd client of, President Trump’s long time personal attorney Michael Cohen. This revelation came as Choen and his attorneys, appeared before Judge Kimba Wood Monday morning. Judge Wood had ordered Cohen to appear as she weighs an emergency action to stop prosecutors from reviewing more than a dozen electronic devices and document that were seized during an FBI Raid, April 9th, 2018.

Hannity on his radio show had this to say,

“I never retained him in the traditional sense” and said he believed his conversations about legal questions were confidential.
“I’ve known Michael a long, long time. Let me be very clear to the media. Michael never represented me in any matter. I never retained him in the traditional sense as retaining a lawyer. I never received an invoice from Michael. I never paid legal fees to Michael,” Hannity said.
“But I have occasionally had brief discussions with him about legal questions about which I wanted his input and perspective,” he added. “And I assume that those conversations were attorney-client confidential.” More From CNN
 And continued on Twitter,

Of Note: On late Sunday evening, one of President Trump’s lawyers, Joanna Hendon, filed papers also asking a federal judge to block prosecutors from studying material seized by the FBI,

“Fairness and justice – as well as the appearance of fairness and justice – require that, before they are turned over to the Investigative Team, the seized materials relating to the President must be reviewed by the only person who is truly motivated to ensure that the privilege is properly invoked and applied: the privilege-holder himself, the President”  USA Today


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About Tiff 2902 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.