Manafort Jury Can’t Find Consensus

Former campaign chairman for President Trump, Paul Manafort, is currently standing trial on eighteen counts of, tax evasion, bank fraud, and for allegedly hiding foreign bank accounts. 

The trial in Alexandria, Virginia, was the first such trial in relation to the Special Counsel Robert Mueller Russian Probe, into whether or not President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in order to sway the presidential election of 2016. Mueller is also investigating whether or not President Trump attempted to or obstructed justice during the FBI investigation into Russian election interference. 

Manafort was not charged in Virginia with campaign related charges, and plead not guilty to all counts and his defense rested without mounting a defense. 

The jury, six men, six women, started deliberating the case on Thursday, during which they asked District Judge T.S. Ellis, to clarify “reasonable doubt,” via The Hill on twitter 

On Tuesday as deliberations entered the fourth day, the jury has asked Judge Ellis, what happens if “it can’t reach a consensus,” on one of the eighteen counts, CNN reports. 

The Washington Post explains that around 11 a.m eastern the jury sent a note to Judge Ellis, that said, “if we cannot come to a consensus on a single count,” how would jurors then fill out the verdict form. 

According to the Post, while the note “wasn’t entirely,” clear, that Judge Ellis, took the words to mean, that the jurors were struggle with only, one count, not all of them, telling the courtroom, “not an exceptional or unusual event in a jury trial,” he then proceeded to distribute “to the lawyers,” the instructions he’d proposed to give the jurors. 

This is a developing story….

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.


  1. I’m no legal expert, but couldn’t the jury find Manafort guilty of the other 17 counts? I have no idea what Judge Ellis instructions were, but I think the jury can just reach a not guilty for the single count causing the problem.

    Manafort would still get a lifetime sentence.

  2. according to report, the judge told them to continue to work on it and if they could not come to a decision on the disputed case, he would ask where they were at on the other cases.

  3. So, the specific question was, “”If we cannot come to a consensus for a single count, how can we fill in the verdict sheet?” and it’s being taken as that they have a consensus on 17 counts, but not the one. Could they have meant they can’t come to a consensus on ANY single count?

  4. BTW, Tiff you penned another great article and I feel I haven’t mentioned it enough. But I do tweet much of what you write and thank you.

  5. According to nbc news says he’s only been indicted on 8 counts with the other 10 counts all mistrials…oi. They should’ve told the jury to not listen to anything having to do with the case at all.

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