Monday And Tuesday Trump Tweets

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


Trump Tweet 8/13/18 6:27 a.m. 

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 6:50 a.m.

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 7:21 a.m.

The News Blender — Former Apprentice star and former White House aide Omarosa has so far released two audio recordings, one that features Chief of Staff John Kelly firing Omarosa, one with the President who expressed surprise that Omarosa was leaving the White House. It was reported later @ The News Blender that sources say she also has an audio recording that features First Daughter Ivanka Trump, and her husband also presidential aide Jared Kushner calling to offer their sadness on her firing.

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 8:12 a.m. 

Kasich Tweet 8/13/18 8:52 a.m.

The Washington Post — Governor John Kasich (R-OH) is considering running against President Trump in 2020, Kasich’s appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday and said via WaPO, “What you had is, I think, a message from the voters to the Republicans that you’ve got to stop the chaos and you’ve got to get more in tune and stop alienating people. It wasn’t a good night.” His comments come after the recent Ohio special election where Troy Balderson (R) and Danny O’Connor (D) are still running neck-and-neck in a race that a week out still hasn’t been called. Regardless of the winner, both candidates will likely face each other again during the general election come November. 

The Washington Post posted some clips of Kasich’s appearance on Face The Nation. 

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 9:04 a.m.

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 9:09 a.m. 

For more on these Tweets @ The News Blender 

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 9:13 a.m. 

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 10:11 a.m. 

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 11:19 a.m.
Trump Tweet 8/13/18 12:37 p.m.

The News Blender — President Trump on Monday signed the National Defense Authorization Act, named in honor of Senator John McCain (R-AZ), just two weeks after the Senate voted 87-10 in favor of the bill. This bill has not received funding.

During President Trump’s speech he thanked several people, but not  Senator McCain who is battling brain cancer and for whom the bill is named after. 

CNN’s Jake Tapper host of The Lead offered his thanks to Senator McCain

The President appeared to joke with the gathered troops at Fort Drum, about patriotism and pay raises, but the joke or comments, fell flat. 

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 1:42 p.m. 

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 3:36 p.m. 
Trump Tweet 8/13/18 5:11 p.m.

The New York Post — Michael Goodwin penned an opinion piece that appeared in the New York Post on August 11th. 

8/13/18 6:37 p.m. 

Trump Tweet 8/13/18 6:50 p.m. 
Trump Tweet 8/13/18 

Omarosa has written a book, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House which is how come she’s on TV, not to mention she’s played two audio recordings that she obtained by secretly recording conversations between her and White House officials including the President. 


Trump Tweet 8/14/18 3:59 a.m. 

Trump Tweet 8/14/18 4:07 a.m. 

Trump Tweet 8/14/18

The News Blender — FBI agent Peter Strzok has been investigated by the Inspector General’s Office, Michael Horowitz has testified, that while they did find the appearance of “political bias,” they found no evidence to suggest such bias impacted either the Hillary Clinton investigation nor the early stages of the Russian investigation. Which as has been reported by numerous media outlets, was started to determine what Russia was doing to influence both campaigns. 

The Mueller investigation into whether or not members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, aka conspired with a foreign power to undermine the U.S. election of 2016 is a separate issue. 

Trump Tweet 8/14/18 

Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America. Let that sink in. 

CBS News — In her book Unhinged  Omarosa writes that on tape during filming  of the Apprentice then businessman Donald Trump used the N word. 
The claim has been denied.
This morning on CBS News an audio recording was aired, that CBS explains they haven’t authenticated, but according to Omarosa it shows the campaign staff, “Lynne Patton, then-assistant to Eric Trump, spokesperson Katrina Pierson and campaign communications director Jason Miller in which they discuss how to deal with the potential fallout from its release.” 

The Full CBS segment 

Trump Tweet 8/14/2018 4:42 a.m. 

CNN — Early on Tuesday a man in his late twenties drove a car into security barriers, “outside of the House of Parliament during rush hour.” London’s Metropolitan Police are investigating the incident that left two people injured and taken to the hospital and one victim being treated on the scene, as a terrorist “incident.” The driver of the car has been arrested, no weapons were found inside the car. 

Trump Tweet 8/14/18 4:55 a.m.

Bob Ohr’s wife’s name is spelled Nellie. 

Trump Tweet 8/14/18 5:06 a.m. 

As a reminder Donald Trump Jr. and others have admitted to meeting with Russian’s in order to obtain dirt on Hillary. 

Trump Tweet 8/14/18 6:01 a.m.

Trump Tweet 8/14/18 6:10 a.m. 
Trump Tweet 8/14/18 6:15 a.m. 

Trump Tweet 8/14/18 11:21 a.m.

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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