President Trump Demands Sessions Ends Mueller Probe Via Tweet

Obstruction of justice? Image by Lenny Ghoul.

Wednesday found President Trump tweeting in typical fashion until one tweet at 6:24 a.m.

It’s not the first time President Trump has called out the Special Counsel investigation into whether or not Team Trump colluded with Russia to undermine America, or whether or not President Trump has attempted to obstruct justice, it is however the first time he’s directed a specific action from Attorney General Jeff Session’s to “stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now.”

AG Sessions recused himself from any investigation into Russian collusion or obstruction on President Trump’s part, last year, making his Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in charge of the Special Counsel investigation.

It is unclear whether or not this demand will be challenged, answered, or ignored by the Department of Justice, so far, the DOJ has declined to comment on President Trump’s tweet to many media outlets.

CNN: The Justice Department declined to comment on Trump’s tweet.

The Washington Post: A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment on Trump’s call for Sessions to end the investigation.

As A Reminder

Over the weekend President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani was asked about a New York Times report that said special counsel Robert Mueller was indeed examining President Trump’s tweet to see if there was a pattern that President Trump has via tweet committed obstruction of justice. Giuliani as was reported at The News Blender, said, “Good luck about the tweeting. First of all, you know, obstruction by tweet is not something that I think works real well.” Giuliani expanded his thoughts, saying that obstruction of justice was something done behind the scenes, not something done in public, “you don’t want evidence out in the public,” he was appearing on CBS News’ Face the Nation.

For What It’s Worth

This is not the first time President Trump has demanded action via tweet the last time in May President Trump demanded the DOJ to investigate if the FBI/DOJ had “infiltrated or surveilled,” his presidential campaign for “political purposes.”

The demand was met with swift action as was reported @ The News Blender at the time, he met with Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. Department of Justice spokesperson Sarah Flores told reporters that the Inspector General was expanding their already on-going investigation into politic bias as a motive for a FISA application warrant on former candidate Trump aide, Carter Page.

Currently in progress is the second day of the criminal trial of Paul Manafort former Trump campaign chairman, in Virginia, Manafort is also awaiting criminal trial in Washington D.C. which is set to start in September. The indictment against Manafort, was a direct result of the special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into ties between Russia and candidate Trump’s campaign team.

It is also worth noting that the White House has said several times, President Trump’s tweets are considered Presidential statements, currently the President is under investigation for attempting to or direct others to obstruct justice.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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