Wednesday morning found us waking up to the news that two suspicious packages had been intercepted. One intended for former President Barack Obama, the other intended for former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. The FBI also confirmed that a similar package that was found Monday delivered to the home of billionaire George Soros was connected to the two the Secret Service intercepted. As Wednesday continued, it was discovered more packages addressed to other prominent Democrats, had also been found.
On Wednesday President Trump told followers on Twitter that he agreed, “wholeheartedly,” with Vice President Pence, who condemned the mailed devices via Twitter.
President Trump then called for unity while speaking from an event held at the White House, tweeting that “the safety of the American People is my highest priority.”
On Thursday as more suspicious packages were intercepted by authorities President Trump explained via tweet that “a very big part,” of the “Anger,” being seen today in “our society,” was caused by, “the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News.” He ended the tweet by stating that the, “Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!”
Friday @ 3:14 a.m. President Trump lamented that the media was allowed to “criticize,” him at “will.” He added that it wasn’t exactly fair that when he criticizes the media, “they go wild and scream, “it’s just not Presidential!”
Friday also found one confirmed package having been intercepted addressed to Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), while another is suspected to have been addressed to former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in care of CNN.
@ 10:19 a.m., shortly before the Department of Justice confirmed an arrest had been made in connection with the mailed suspicious packages, President Trump went to Twitter and explained, “Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb,” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows.” He added by saying, “news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on.” He also reminded “Republicans,” to “go out and vote!”
President Trump did not just focus on the bomb scare that rocked the nation for the last few days, he also focused his tweets on the caravan of immigrates asking those in the caravan to “turnaround,” as they would not be allowed entry into the “United States illegally,” on Thursday.
President Trump also took to Twitter to explain that if Democrats do not give “votes to pass strong (but fair) law,” regarding immigration, they’d “be forced to play a much tougher hand.”
The New York Times reported Friday that according to Trump administration officials, that President Trump will make a “major speech,” on Tuesday announcing, “a broad crackdown on the southern border.”
As reports were surfacing Friday of an arrest being made in connection to the mailed devices sent to critics of President Trump, he took to Twitter, @ 10:05 a.m. to complain that Twitter had removed, “many people from,” his Twitter account. He also explained that Twitter “more importantly,” has, “done something that makes it much harder to join – they have stifled growth to a point where it is obvious to all. A few weeks ago it was a Rocket Ship, now it is a Blimp! Total Bias?”
Twitter responded (sort of)
To view all of President Trump tweets @realDonaldTrump
Program Reminder: President Trump has a rally scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and on Halloween. Friday’s rally is from North Carolina.