Watch Live: Trump Speaks With A Side of Tweets (Updated)

Trump Administration Wheel of Fish parody. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Saturday.

On Friday President Trump tweeted he would be making a “major announcement” regarding the “Humanitarian Crisis,” at the Southern Border at 3 p.m. eastern from the White House.

After his announcement BuzzFeed who had caused a Buzz around the world with a bombshell story, had the Buzz taken out when in a rare move Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Office offered a comment in which they called the story “inaccurate.”

Spokesmen Peter Carr issued the statement: “BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the special counsel’s office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony are not accurate.”

As of last night BuzzFeed News editor Ben Smith stood by the story.

After the Special Counsel’s statement, President Trump relished the news, by re-tweeting several times.

One from John Cardillo, three tweets from Dan Bongino, one from Brad Parscale, one from Ronna McDaniel, one from Linda Suhler, PhD, one from Ryan Fournier, one from CC, one from JointheNRA Now!, two from Geraldo Rivera, and one from Sebastian Gorka DrG.

During Friday evenings re-tweet storm the President posted two tweets of his own. One was a video in which he explained that our Southern Border was a “Humanitarian Crisis,” he add for us to take the politics out of it and make a deal. In his second tweet, he issued an old favorite line of attack, “Fake News is the Enemy of the People.”

Saturday President Trump has tweeted six times (so far).

1. Will be leaving for Dover to be with the families of 4 very special people who lost their lives in service to our Country!

As the News Blender reported on Wednesday four Americans died while three others were wounded, when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in the Syrian city of Manbij.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that the Defense Department released three names of those killed in the attack that ISIS through their state run media organization claimed responsibility for.

  • Green Beret Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jonathan R. Farmer.
  • Navy Chief Cryptologic Technician Shannon M. Kent.
  • Civilian Scott A. Wirtz, a former Navy SEAL working for the Defense Intelligence Agency.

A fourth American was not named by the Defense Department, but according to the Washington Post, Valiant Integrated Services spokesman said the woman killed in the explosion was Ghadir Taher, who according to U.S. officials was working as an interpreter.

According to Toronto Star Reporter Daniel Dale, the President’s announcement that was originally scheduled for 3 p.m., was pushed back in order for the President to travel to Dover.

USA Today confirmed the scheduled change.

2. than your favorite President, me!

Opinion: This is not normal…

3. You want to see a Stock Market Crash, Impeach Trump!

Some top democrats along with news pundits speculated that if the BuzzFeed article was correct and the President directed others to lie to Congress, that was and could be “suborned perjury,” along with obstruction of justice, if the story proved true, this would be an impeachable offense.

Opinion: I repeat this is my opinion, and I speak only for myself and myself only.

I can’t say if the story is true or false, but regardless of that one story, if any President, any, Republican, Democrat, man or woman, did in fact direct others to lie to the Senate or House of Representatives, that would be serious and would in fact demand investigation into the allegation. And if the allegation was proven true, it would in fact require impeachment of that Republican, Democrat, man or woman, President. That’s how it is suppose to work.

4. Many people are saying…

As a reminder President Trump just Friday tweeted a quote from an article posted to the Washington Examiner that featured a one sourced anonymous border rancher referred to as only “her.” The quote he handpicked to tweet “We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal,” had no evidence to back up the claim made by the border rancher.

For What It’s Worth: Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale has provided a detailed “fact-check” of President Trump’s false statements. He provides the same on Twitter, live checking as the President speaks. Or even correcting his tweets.

For example:

President Trump’s full remarks before departing to Dover, cued to quote used in the tweet.

5. Not easy!

Opinion: I got nothing. I mean according to The Washington Post, the “caravan” entered Mexico contained 1800 immigrants peacefully. And on top of that, we have no laws against traveling to our borders, none, in fact Asylum seekers are expected to present at a port of entry. Which already have fences and walls and border agents.

As a reminder: Currently as the shutdown enters almost 30 days, the department suffering the most, is the Department of Homeland security, the very agency responsible for border security.

By air: TSA agents, as has been reported by many media outlets have started to call in sick, to avoid working without pay. CBS News reports that airports and travelers are bracing for long delays over the federal holiday weekend to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s., birthday.

By sea: The Coast Guard has missed their first paycheck making them the first military branch to work without pay, according to Chicago Channel 7 ABC News, they are still conducting businesses as usual, while they go unpaid.

By land: Everyone else, ICE, Border Patrol, all working currently without pay.

6. I will be live from the White House at 4:00 P.M….

Axios reported ahead of President Trump announcement, that according to “sources familiar with the speech,” President Trump will offer “a notable immigration comprise.”

The article explains the deal: “The offer is expected to include Trump’s $5.7 billion demand for wall money in exchange for the BRIDGE Act — which would extend protections for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — and also legislation to extend the legal status of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, according to a source with direct knowledge.”

The New York Times says they have confirmed the plan with an “official speaking on the condition of anonymity,” and cautioned that, “the president was often quick to change his mind and that his remarks could still shift before his planned announcement.”

Live Feed 1 NBC News

Live Feed 2 CBSN News


President Trump announced that he plans to offer a 3 year DACA extension in exchange for the border wall funding. Axios who was first to report the plan has the break of the bill that Senator Majority McConnell will bring to the Senate floor “this week.”

  • $800 million in “urgent humanitarian assistance.”
  • $805 million for drug detection technology ports of entry.
  • 2750 additional border agents and law enforcement.
  • 75 new immigration judge teams to reduce court backlog of 900,000 cases.
  • A new system to allow Central American minors to apply for asylum in their home countries and reform to promote family reunification for unaccompanied children.
  • 3 years of legislative relief for 700,000 DACA recipients, which will give them access to work permits, social security numbers and protection from deportation.
  • 3-year extension of TPS.
  • $5.7 billion for border wall.

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) supports the plan via tweet.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell issued a statement saying that this bill “takes a bipartisan approach to re-opening the closed portions of the federal government. It pairs the border security investment that our nation needs with additional immigration measures that both Democrat and Republican members of Congress believe are necessary. Unlike the bills that have come from the House over the past few weeks, this proposal could actually resolve this impasse. It has the full support of the President and could be signed into law to quickly reopen the government.”

Shortly after the speech President Trump tweeted out the video of his speech.

Authors Note: I mistakenly listed Ghadir Taher’s gender as male, this was a mistake on my part, and I apology for that error, thank you Dave from FL, for pointing the error out.

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2931 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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  1. Trump Tweets: They Only See 2020
  2. Trump Tweets: Symbols of Fake News

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