McCabe vs. President Trump

Director Wray Installation Ceremony. Photo By Federal Bureau of Investigations

On Thursday CBS this Morning previewed an upcoming 60 Minutes with former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired as CNN reports by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions following an IG report that concluded McCabe had, “misled investigators about his role in directing other officials at the FBI to speak to The Wall Street Journal about his involvement in a public corruption investigation into the Clinton Foundation.”

Clip introducing the upcoming interview.

CBS this Morning does not provide the clip for what they say is confirmation that, as the News Blender reported in September 2018, there were discussions with top officials over the possibility of using the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump.

CBS this Morning did air a clip from the interview in which McCabe explains that his reasons for opening up an investigation involving President Trump were in order to preserve the many ongoing inquiries into Russian Election Meddling.

Also on Thursday morning appearing in The Atlantic McCabe released a portion of his upcoming book The Threat, that’s due to hit shelves next week.

From the article highlights:

His first day as Acting FBI Director McCabe explains in part:

The Russia team was in my office. I took the call on an unclassified line. That was another strange thing—the president was calling on a phone that was not secure. The voice on the other end said, It’s Don Trump calling. I said, Hello, Mr. President, how are you? Apart from my surprise that he was calling at all, I was surprised that he referred to himself as “Don.”

The president said, I’m good. You know—boy, it’s incredible, it’s such a great thing, people are really happy about the fact that the director’s gone, and it’s just remarkable what people are saying. Have you seen that? Are you seeing that, too?

McCabe writes: People do not appreciate how far we have fallen from normal standards of presidential accountability. Today we have a president who is willing not only to comment prejudicially on criminal prosecutions but to comment on ones that potentially affect him. He does both of these things almost daily. He is not just sounding a dog whistle. He is lobbying for a result. The president has stepped over bright ethical and moral lines wherever he has encountered them. Every day brings a new low, with the president exposing himself as a deliberate liar who will say whatever he pleases to get whatever he wants. If he were “on the box” at Quantico, he would break the machine.

You can read much more @ The Atlantic.

President Trump has weighed in on the interview and McCabe via Twitter Thursday morning.

CNN reports that the White House issued a statement to CBS News where they called McCabe’s investigation “completely baseless.”

This is not the first time McCabe has been a target of President Trump. McCabe took over as FBI Director in May 2017 after President Trump fired then FBI Director James Comey, shortly after Comey was fired, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as the Special Counsel to investigate Russian Election meddling and if President Trump or members of his campaign were involved with Russia to sway the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election.

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About Tiff 2735 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.