This is part of an ongoing series where I review some of the ads purchased by the Russians. In doing so I hope we can get a better understanding of what they were trying to do, and how to recognize it the next time we’re faced with propaganda.
If you want to follow along, the ads can all be downloaded here. The ads I’m using today came from the 2015-q2 folder.
“Patriots US” was the first group created by the Russian ad makers to target conservatives. It’s fascinating (and funny) to see American patriotism through the eyes of a foreign country. For example, you rarely hear Americans discussing the “homeland” (ad p(1)0002327):

If there’s one thing that defines American patriotism more than love of Homeland, it’s football! (p(1)0002432):

And if there’s anything we Americans love more than Michael Vick and John Elway, it’s our guns, which is why it’s so upsetting when people like Karl Rove try and take them away! I especially love that picture in front of “Ammoland” (p(1)0002424):

We have guns, football, and love of Homeland, but we also pride ourselves in our science achievements. Like when the Apollo 15 flew the first American astronauts to the moon. After all, who needs fact-checking when you have ads to make? (p(1)0002436):

I will share more interesting ads I come across in other posts. For now, enjoy this Open Thread and remember, we can beat the Russians by not hating one another.
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