It’s Wednesday.
To finish Tuesday’s tweets the President re-tweeted Geraldo Rivera.
“The FBI/DOJ co-conspirators” aka Investigators.
“The putschists” according to Free Dictionary.com the word putschists is a German word meaning “a sudden attempt by a group to overthrow a government.”
Former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe has a new book out that was released on Tuesday. To promote his new book The Threat he has appeared on several television shows such as 60 Minutes and the Today Show.
During Tuesday mornings appearance on the Today show, he was asked by Savannah Guthrie, if he had informed leaders in Congress that he during the spring of 2017 opened a counterintelligence investigation that involved President Trump, he explains he did inform the leadership and that “nobody objected, not on legal grounds, not on Constitutional grounds.”
For Wednesday President Trump so far has tweeted 7 times.
1. Quote from Fox News host Lou Dobbs.
2. Crazy Bernie…
3. The writers don’t even call asking for verification…
4. Fake News!
5. Quotes former Rep. Trey Gowdy.
7. Send the Federal Government back the Billions of Dollars WASTED!
Trump Twitter Archive has President Trump quoting Lou Dobbs 29 times on Twitter since 2017.
Senator Bernie Sanders on Tuesday announced a second attempt at running for President of the United States.
On Wednesday CNN reported that Sanders has raised, “$5,925,771 from 223,047 individual contributors across all 50 states in the campaign’s first 24 hours, and more than $6 million from 225,000 individuals in total since the launch. And Sanders’ campaign also noted that the average contribution was $27.”
Former Rep. Trey Gowdy now a Fox News Contributor appeared on Fox News on Tuesday and explained in part that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan “are not allowed,” to refute McCabe’s claims that they were informed by the FBI that they were investigating the President. He goes on to say that he finds it stunning that “they would know about the,” the investigation and not say anything about it.
As the News Blender reported on Monday, California along with several other states have filed a federal complaint against the President’s emergency declaration to fund the Southern Border wall.
On Tuesday Courthouse News reported that the “Trump administration announced Tuesday it was nixing $929 million in federal funding for a project meant to connect the state’s largest cities by high-speed rail.”
According to the article the “Federal Railroad Administration said it was not only terminating the federal grant, but “actively exploring” ways to recoup $2.5 billion in federal spending already dedicated to the voter-approved bullet train, setting up another likely legal battle between the federal government and the Golden State.”
The media tweets.
On Wednesday, The Washington Post reported that “The family of the Kentucky teen who was involved in an encounter with a Native American advocate at the Lincoln Memorial last month filed a defamation lawsuit against The Washington Post on Tuesday, seeking $250 million in damages for its coverage of the incident.”
According to the Washington Post the suit alleges, that the newspaper “targeted and bullied,” Nicholas Sandmann, the 16 year-old Covington Catholic student in order to, “embarrass President Trump.”
As the News Blender reported on Tuesday, the New York Times issued an investigative report that detailed President Trump’s “two-year war on investigation encircling him.”
In the article the team of journalists reported that the President had called Matt Whitaker, the Acting Attorney General, asking about the possibility of assigning U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman to oversee, “the widening investigation,” into former President Trump lawyer, Michael Cohen.
According to one of the journalists who penned the article, the team had reached out to The White House for their input on story, only for the White House to decline comment.
According to Trump Twitter Archive the President of the United States via tweets has called the media the Enemy of the People 22 times, Wednesday’s tweet is the first time via tweet that he has singled out a media outlet by name as the “ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.”
The New York Times editor, A.G. Sulzberger, has responded to President Trump’s continued attacks against the media.
He writes in part, “The phrase “enemy of the people” is not just false, it’s dangerous. It has an ugly history of being wielded by dictators and tyrants who sought to control public information. And it is particularly reckless coming from someone whose office gives him broad powers to fight or imprison the nation’s enemies. As I have repeatedly told President Trump face to face, there are mounting signs that this incendiary rhetoric is encouraging threats and violence against journalists at home and abroad.”
He concludes by writing, “Through 33 presidential administrations, across 167 years, The New York Times has worked to serve the public by fulfilling the fundamental role of the free press. To help people, regardless of their backgrounds or politics, understand their country and the world. To report independently, fairly and accurately. To ask hard questions. To pursue the truth wherever it leads. That will not change.”
This post will be updated within reason.