Paul Manafort Sentencing Part Deux (Updated)

Paul manafort at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Photo from Disney | ABC Flickr

Former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is expected to be sentenced today in a D.C. courtroom.

Last week Manafort was sentenced to 47 months by Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis.

There is no live feed inside the courtroom, but unlike Virginia, D.C., has a media center inside the courthouse.

Some folks that are live tweeting:

BuzzFeed’s Zoe Tillman.

Crime and Justice reporter Shimon Prokupecz.

Courthouse News reporter Britain Eakin.

Delivering the sentence is District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson.


Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentence Paul Manafort 43 months in prison.

BuzzFeed News reporter Zoe Tillman breaks down the judge sentencing via tweet.

Manafort’s attorney told the gathered media and protesters outside the courtroom that now two Judge’s have explained there was no collusion with Russia.

The Washington Post reports that Judge Jackson said regarding collusion, “The question of whether anyone in Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or colluded with” the Russian government “was not presented in this case,” she said, so for Manafort’s attorneys to emphasize that no such collusion was proved, she said, is “a non-sequitur.””

She added according to the article, “that the assertion may not even be “accurate,” because Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation is not over and she found that Manafort lied to investigators about issues at the heart of the inquiry, “It’s not appropriate to say investigators haven’t found anything when you lied to the investigators,” she said.”

Shortly after his sentence was handed down, U.S. District Attorney of Manhattan, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., announced state charges against Manafort.

According to the statement, the new charges are regarding, “a yearlong residential mortgage fraud scheme through which MANAFORT and others falsified business records to illegally obtain millions of dollars. MANAFORT is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment filed on March 7, 2019, with Residential Mortgage Fraud in the First Degree, Attempted Residential Mortgage Fraud in the First Degree, Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, and Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree.”

Vance said of the indictment against Manafort, “No one is beyond the law in New York. Following an investigation commenced by our Office in March 2017, a Manhattan grand jury has charged Mr. Manafort with state criminal violations which strike at the heart of New York’s sovereign interests, including the integrity of our residential mortgage market. I thank our prosecutors for their meticulous investigation, which has yielded serious criminal charges for which the defendant has not been held accountable.”

The indictment can be found here.

This post will be updated.

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.