Watch Live: AG William Barr Presser

Attorney General William Barr. Photo by The United States Department of Justice

On Wednesday it was announced that Attorney General William Barr will give a press conference prior to the release of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian Investigation Report.

The report is expected to be publicly available on the Special Counsel’s Office website sometime after noon. Congress expects to be given a redacted copy between 11 a.m. eastern and noon eastern.

Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler via tweet confirmed that DOJ officials told Congress the report would be provided after Barr’s presser.

Barr will be joined by Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein where the pair are expected to take questions.

Crime and Justice reporter Shimon Prokupecz explained via tweet that Special Counsel Robert Mueller or members of his team will not be in attendance for Thursday’s presser.

The Washington Post reported that the report “will be lightly redacted,” according to “people familiar with the matter.”

The New York Times reported that according to “people with knowledge of the discussions,” the White House and the Justice Department have in recent days, “had numerous conversations with White House lawyers about the conclusions made by Mr. Mueller.”

President Trump’s legal team is planning on releasing a rebuttal to Mueller’s Report, sometime Thursday.

Some fun Twitter responses to the reports that Congress is set to receive the 400 page report on CD’s.

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About Tiff 2892 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.