Watch Live: House Judiciary Committee Hearing

Rep. Nadler Official Photo 2004. Photo by U.S. House Office of Photography.

On Tuesday the House Judiciary Committee led by Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) had scheduled a hearing to hear from former White House Counsel Don McGahn who featured heavily in the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian Investigation Report.

As the News Blender reported on Monday, the White House and the Department of Justice Legal Counsel directed McGahn to defy the Judiciary Committee’s subpoena.

CNN published the letter McGahn’s lawyer sent the Committee explaining that McGahn would not appear before the Committee on Tuesday writing in part, “Mr. McGahn remains obligated to maintain the status quo and respect the President’s instruction.”

Chairman Nadler issued a statement via Twitter in closing he announced the Committee would hold Tuesday’s hearing with or without McGahn showing up to testify.

Live Feed House Judiciary Committee.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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