President Trump Receives Another Beautiful Letter from a Dictator

Trump Parade parody. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

Tuesday before departing the White House President Trump spoke with reporters. He is asked about a Wall Street Journal article that reported the half brother of North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-nam, was a source for the CIA prior to his death in 2017.

Trump: So I see that and I just received a beautiful letter from Kim Jong-un and I think relationship is very well, but I appreciated the letter. I saw the information about the CIA with respect to his brother or half-brother and I would tell him that would not happen under my, under my auspices. I wouldn’t let that happen under my auspices. I just received a beautiful letter from Kim Jong-un….

According to The Atlantic there are two accounts of Kim Jong-nam working with the CIA, a new book written by Washington Post reporter Anna Fifield and the linked Wall Street Journal article.

According to WSJ, while the relationship between the half-brother and the CIA remain unclear several former “U.S. officials said the half brother, who had lived outside of North Korea for many years and had no known power base in Pyongyang, was unlikely to be able to provide details of the secretive country’s inner workings.”

The Guardian points out the WSJ claims could not be independently confirmed.

The President expanded his comments telling reporters that “look he’s [Jong-un] kept his word.”

CNN reports that on Tuesday while speaking at the Wall Street Journal CFO Network event in Washington D.C., National Security Adviser John Bolton said he believes that North Korea with their recent short range missile tests are not complying with the promises the country made at the first summit between the U.S. and North Korea.

What they’ve said was that they’re not going to test ballistic missiles, intercontinental range ballistic missiles, or have nuclear tests. That’s continued. They’re doing a lot of other things that still indicate that they have not made a strategic decision to give up the pursuit of deliverable weapons, which is why we continue the maximum pressure campaign.

Bolton via CNN

In May Bolton said he had “no doubt” the tests performed by North Korea violated the UN resolutions.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that Bolton dismissed talks that he and the President are split on issues regarding North Korea and other hot spots.

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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