Trump Tweets From The G20 Summit

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

President Trump is still in Japan attending the G20 Summit.

Since Thursday’s tweets thread, the President has tweeted 7 times.

On Thursday the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on the Citizenship question added to the 2020 census questionnaire, which as the News Blender reported, was last included in the 1950 census.

The census is Constitutionally Mandated, as Snip Bytes reported on Thursday, many Twitter users felt the need to give the President yet another civics lesson regarding his legal authority to delay.

The ruling from the high court, was a mixed bag of Justices, partly concurring while at the same time, dissenting in part as Brad Heath noted via tweet.

Heath also weighed-in on the ruling itself.

As of right now, the ruling doesn’t allow for the question to be added in the timeline as CNN reported set by the Trump Administration, which told the court the forms for the census needed printed by the end of June.

For What it’s Worth.

As the News Blender reported after the oral arguments were heard in the case before the high court, new evidence would seem to show that Wilbur Ross, Commerce Secretary, lied to Congress in 2018 when he told them the citizenship question was added at the last minute.

Instead the evidence would appear to show that “it was Trump’s staff and transition team Steve Bannon and Kansas’ secretary of state Kris Kobach who pushed Ross as early as February 2017 to add on a citizenship question to the census.”

NPR reports that the Senate passed the $4.6 billion Humanitarian Aid Bill passed the Democratic led House, by a vote of 305-102.

While the Senate bill did not include some of the protection for migrants or caps on how long unaccompanied minors could be detained, that were included in the House version of the same package passed in Senate, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, explained in a letter to colleagues, “In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate bill.”

The passed package includes “money for the Department of Defense and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

As NPR notes, the majority of the money will be “allocated to the Department of Health and Human Services for the Office of Refugee Resettlement.”

In the clip the President talks about his most recent trip to Japan, and thanks everyone for welcoming him back.

During the second night of the two-night NBC News Democratic Primary Debate when asked if their healthcare plans would include coverage for undocumented workers, in a show of hands questions, all ten on stage raised their hands.

These are the tweets, I simply dislike the most, what am I suppose to do with it? We all know it’s not true, we have zero idea how or what our country would look like today had Hillary Clinton won. We can’t know that, unless the people from Earth 2 visit us and tell us how her presidency turned out.

We also know that the stock market was on the rise during the Obama Presidency.

But, the question remains, if the stock market is doing so well, why does the President keeping pressuring the fed to lower interest rates and go from quantitative tightening, to quantitative easing?

“Representing our Country well” yep, as he jokes with Russian President Vladimir Putin about “not meddling in our elections,” but apparently that means he’s representing our Country well, so “what’s the big deal?”

There will be more on this tweet in an article to come.

This post will be updated within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

Happy Friday y’all, and for what it’s worth.

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.