Trump Tweets Open Thread Tuesday

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Tuesday.

With the President on his State Visit to the UK, the tweet count, is going to be a tad off, given the nature of time zones.

After Monday’s Tweets, the President has tweeted 7 times and re-tweeted 8 times.

The re-tweets are just video’s or pictures from his UK trip, posted by The Royal Family, The White House, and one from the The Duke of York.

His own tweets, also focus heavily on his UK State Visit.

On Tuesday President Trump held a joint presser with outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May, during the Presser President Trump once again called the reporting of protesters “fake news.”

CBS News reported that the State Department did not return their request of confirmation as to “when and how the Russian government informed the U.S. of a personnel withdrawal in Venezuela.”

The Hill reported that the White House National Security Council declined to comment on the President’s tweet, they add, “The remarks appeared to contradict national security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who have repeatedly blamed Russia and Cuba for propping up Maduro’s government.”

On Sunday The Wall Street Journal reported that Russia had withdrawn “key adviser from Venezuela,” which the paper notes is an “embarrassment for President Nicolás Maduro as Moscow weighs the leader’s political and economic resilience against growing U.S. pressure.”

Citing people familiar with the matter, the Russian state defense contractor Rostec is said to have cut its presence in Venezuela from an estimated 1,000 people to only leaving in place a few dozen.

Rostec, the paper explains has trained Venezuelan troops and “advised on securing arms contracts.”

For editorial thoughts on President Trump’s tweet @ theNewsBlender.

President Trump addressed Mexico and the tariffs the U.S. intends to place on all imported goods from Mexico in six days. When asked his thoughts about the Republicans said to be ready to oppose the tariff [also known as a tax on U.S. consumers] the President said, “no, I don’t think they will do that and I think if they do that it would be foolish.”

CNN reported on Tuesday that some House Republicans who returned to DC on Monday night have considered options to block President Trump’s Mexico Tariff threat.

They note that while some Congressional leaders have discussed a possible block against the tariffs, it doesn’t mean there is “a serious effort underway to bring forward such a vote. Some of the conversation actually stems from a reluctance among senators to hand Trump a public rebuke on the matter.”

This is the President’s current pinned tweet.

This post will be updated within reason. 

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2937 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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