Mexico Tariffs: What Lawmakers Are Saying

As the News Blender reported on Tuesday, President Trump while speaking to reporters with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, explained that despite Mexico Officials traveling to Washington, D.C., this week to avoid President Trump’s tariffs, would “most likely” go into effect on June 10th.

On Monday The Washington Post reported that Republican lawmakers were discussing the possibility of blocking the President’s implementations of the 5 percent tariffs, which the President noted via Twitter, would increase monthly until such time “as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP.”

Republican Senator from Texas John Cornyn told reporters on Monday, “I think this calls into question our ability to pass the USMCA, much less get it passed by Canada and by Mexico,” he added, “And so we need to put our heads together and try to come up with a solution.”

Senate Majority Whip Republican Senator John Thune explained, “We have a lot of members who are very concerned, I think, about where this is headed.”

He said in response to limiting President Trump’s tariff authority, “Congress is going to want to probably be heard from.”

Tuesday when asked by a reporter what the President thought about Republican lawmakers looking to oppose the tariffs, he said “I think if they do, it’s foolish.”

The New York Times on Tuesday reported that Finance Committee Chairman Senator Chuck Grassely of Iowa said Monday that he would hold his fire, until after Wednesday’s meeting between Mexican Officials and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He did add that he would continue to oppose the use of tariffs to affect immigration policy.

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) supported the President’s tariff announcement via Twitter.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) told CNN in regard to President Trump calling Republican opposition to his tariffs foolish, Paul said in part, “I can’t be for letting the President having all the power that the Constitution gave to Congress.”

The Hill reports that Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said regarding the planned tariff increase, “There is not much support in my conference for tariffs, that’s for sure.”

He went on to explain that most Republican lawmakers were hopeful that talks between U.S. and Mexican Officials would go well, and that the tariffs on all Mexican imports at 5 percent starting June 10th, would not be implemented.

Most of us hope that this Mexican delegation that’s come up here and discussed the challenges at the border — and what the Mexicans might be able to do to help us more than they have — will be fruitful and that these tariffs will not kick in.

Leader McConnell via The Hill.

Politico reported that newly elected Utah Republican Senator Mitt Romney said following a lunch meeting with Republicans on Tuesday that he doesn’t favor tariffs being “applied to friends like Mexico,” he added, “If there’s a vote I think it’s a very difficult vote for those of us who oppose tariffs. I would not be inclined to vote [for] a tariff against a friend.”

The article goes on to note, “If Trump tries to move under the first national emergency declaration, he could face a vote in September that blocks both his unilateral move for wall funds and new tariffs. If he declares a new one, he could set up rolling votes to block each emergency every six month if he leaves them in place.”

The Hill reported that according to officials who attended the lunch meeting the Trump administration is floating the possibility of issuing a second National Emergency in order for these tariffs to take affect next week.

President Trump issued the first National Emergency in order to sidestep Congress in an attempt to secure border wall funding.

Reuters reported that ahead of Wednesday’s meeting Mexico Deputy Foreign Minister Jesus Seade met with U.S. Trade Rep., Robert Lighthizer and U.S. Chamber of Commerce head Tom Donohue. No word on whether progress was made during Tuesday’s meeting.

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About Tiff 2934 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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