It’s Friday.
And boy aren’t we excited it is?
The week has been long.
Greece welcomed a new Prime Minister.
Jeffrey Epstein was charged with sex trafficking minors.
President Trump tweeted out a fake Ronald Reagan quote.
President Trump via tweet also announced that the U.S. would no longer work with the U.K. Ambassador.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the creation of Unalienable Rights Commission.
The DOJ announced that the team of lawyers handling the Citizenship question on the Census for 2020 would be replaced.
President Trump’s businesses faced a new round of Congressional Subpoenas.
Alien explained the dangers of Whataboutism.
President Trump Thanked himself on Twitter along with Billy Bones Bait and Tackle owner.
Lawmakers demanded the resignation of Labor Secretary Acosta, while he took to Twitter and weighed-in on the new charges against Jeffrey Epstein.
Two-time Presidential candidate Ross Perot passed away.
Japan initiated a trade war.
President Trump praises the 4th Circuit Court for dismissing what he called a “Deep State, witch hunt” case, that had been brought against him, by Attorneys General in Maryland and DC, via Twitter.
Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta held a presser to explain his part in a terrible plea deal with Jeffrey Epstein in 2008.
The U.K. Ambassador Sir Kim Darroch resigned after the President on Monday announced that the U.S. would no longer work with him.
Senator Lindsey Graham offered his take regarding the U.K. Ambassador stepping down.
Kim Darroch did an outstanding job as Ambassador and sorry to see he has resigned his post.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) July 10, 2019
He got a raw deal from press.
Two U.S. District Judges deny the Justice’s notice of withdrawal from two Census Cases, one from New York, one from Maryland.
The President called himself “so good looking, and smart, a true stable genius before he met with self labeled Conservative social media users to discuss the government regulating social media platforms, via Twitter.
After his meeting where people complained that Twitter was “shadowbanning” them, and demanding the government regulate “for fairness,” social media, thus asking the President to violate his Oath to Office, the President announced that he was dropping the Census Citizenship Question, and planned to obtained that data “another way.”
The Judiciary House Committee held a hearing regarding Lessons’ Learned from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Report.
Kim Jong-un officially became the new boss of North Korea.
Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta Resigned.
The Washington Post is reporting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has offered the two House Committees he was scheduled to testify before on July 17th, to delay his testimony for one week, to allow Committee members more time to ask questions.
As the article explains under the current agreement Mueller was scheduled to testify for two hours, before the House Judiciary and the House Intelligence Committees.
So far for Friday the President has tweeted 10 times and re-tweeted many, many, many times.
Thank you Lara and Jessie Jane! https://t.co/FPNhslghzd
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
His first tweet for Friday came after he re-tweeted 7 times.
As to the “women outreach program,” good luck with that?
8 re-tweets later.
The Great Rush Limbaugh will be on @foxandfriends at 8:30 A.M. Enjoy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
According to the Washington Examiner, the Conservative radio show host appeared on Fox & Friends Friday morning to discuss the Citizenship Question asked on the Census that it issued every ten-years.
According to Limbaugh, he believes, that Republicans did not make enough fuss when former President Obama removed the question from the Census in 2010.
This is 180 degrees out of phase. It’s wrong. I applaud the president for trying to get this done, and I think by hook or by crook he will get this done. He’s focusing everybody’s attention on it, which is the first thing you have to do to effect positive change.
Why is the controversy wanting to know who among us happens to be a citizen, and who isn’t? Why is that controversial?
It would seem to me that this kind of attention should have been asked when someone in the Obama regime decided to get rid of it
I’ll put this on the Republicans. Look at the way things happen. Obama takes the question off and Republicans do what? We want to put it back on … because its common sense. Put it back on. The Democrats fight, propose, oppose, make it hell on earth to try and get this done.
Limbaugh as quoted by the Washington Examiner.
Obama takes the question off and Republicans do what?
Travel back in time?
According to the Washington Post, in 1950, the Census Bureau for decades included “a question about the naturalization status — that is, citizenship — of immigrants. The last time it did so was in 1950.”
The article notes that in 1970 the Census Bureau decided to have two forms, one short, one long, the long-form, included a question about “naturalization,” the long-form only went to “5 percent of households — that is, one out of every 20 homes.”
That practice continued until 2000, “the 2000 long-form census included a similar question about citizenship.”
The Washington Post provides pictures and explains that in 2005, while George W. Bush was President, a Republican, the Bureau changed how “the bureau’s data collection methodology,” was collected, “instead of collecting this data every 10 years, the government created the more frequent American Community Survey, which allowed it to gather the information more regularly.”
When you are the big “piggy bank” that other countries have been ripping off for years (to a level that is not to be believed), Tariffs are a great negotiating tool, a great revenue producer and, most importantly, a powerful way to get……
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
….companies to come to the USA and to get companies that have left us for other lands to COME BACK HOME. We stupidly lost 30% of our auto business to Mexico. If the Tariffs went on at the higher level, they would all come back, and fast. But very happy with the deal I made,…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
…..if Mexico produces (which I think they will). Biggest part of deal with Mexico has not yet been revealed! China is similar, except they devalue currency & subsidize companies to lessen effect of 25% Tariffs. So far, little effect to consumers. Companies will relocate to U.S.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
Tariffs are a tax on consumers.
Great job by Rush Limbaugh on @foxandfriends!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
Great job spreading “fake news.”
2 re-tweets later.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
Has there ever been a U.S. President as obsessed with the media as President Trump?
Alex Acosta informed me this morning that he felt the constant drumbeat of press about a prosecution which took place under his watch more than 12 years ago was bad for the Administration, which he so strongly believes in, and he graciously tendered his resignation….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
….Alex was a great Secretary of Labor and his service is truly appreciated. He will be replaced on an acting basis by Pat Pizzella, the current Deputy Secretary.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
As the News Blender reported on Friday, Acosta resigned following the arrest of Epstein over the weekend.
Key Trump admin. vacancies with acting leaders:
— NBC News (@NBCNews) July 12, 2019
Acting Labor secretary
Acting Defense secretary
Acting DHS secretary
Acting UN ambassador
Acting SBA administrator
Acting chief of staff
Acting FEMA director
Acting ICE director
Acting USCIS director
Acting FAA administrator https://t.co/DkyDabvjl3
We have a GREAT TEAM in Pennsylvania! I’m proud to say that our good friends Lawrence Tabas & Bernadette “Bernie” Comfort will now be working together to run the @PAGOP. Lawrence will be Chairman & Bernie will Chair my Pennsylvania Campaign. We must have, & do, great UNITY in PA!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
According to Donald J. Trump.com he will be holding a rally on July 17th, from North Carolina, followed by a rally on August 1st, from Cincinnati, Ohio.
2020 campaign season is upon us.
As we prepare for this weekend, I ask all those that pray, to offer up some words of protection to those in the Gulf States, and please for all of you readers in the Gulf States, be safe, our thoughts from the Blender are with you.
As hazardous conditions arrive along the Gulf Coast today with #Barry, get information on local weather and impacts from @NWSNewOrleans @NWSLakeCharles @NWSMobile @NWSJacksonMS pic.twitter.com/XRl4EiBHoN
— National Hurricane Center (@NHC_Atlantic) July 12, 2019
This post will be updated within reason.
This is an Open Thread.
I do apologize for the lateness of this post.
all links are to the News Blender or Snip Bytes, unless otherwise noted.