Watch Live: President Trump Remarks on Mass Shootings

President Donald J. Trump speaks in an aircraft hangar at the 193rd Special Operations Wing, Middletown, Pennsylvania. Photo by Staff Sgt. Tony Harp.

President Trump is expected to offer remarks regarding the two mass shootings that occurred over the weekend.

At least twenty people were killed and twenty-six more were injured at the El Paso, Texas, Walmart, when a 21 year-old white male, opened fire.

The shooting as CNN reports is being treated as domestic terrorism, with the Department of Justice seriously considering charging the shooter with federal hate crimes.

In Dayton, Ohio, a 24 year-old shooter, opened fire shortly after 1 a.m., killing nine, while twenty-seven were injured, according to CNN, the shooter is among the dead. The motivate of the shooting remains unclear.

Ahead of his remarks the President via Twitter said that Republican and Democrat lawmakers should come together to pass “strong background checks,” he added this could “perhaps,” be included with immigration reform.

He also blamed the media for the mass shooting.

Live Feed 1 CNBC News.

Live Feed 2 PBS News Hour.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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