Twenty twenty has been a rough year, a tough year to navigate and see our way through. Even as difficult as the previous four years had been, 2020 has been even harder, the load heavier, the journey seemingly never ending. The sense that we were traveling alone sometimes felt even more profound. But at least we have been alone together. Our good friend and TNB brother TheoSentrik posted the following beautiful, simple, and concise Christmas message earlier tonight; words that could only come from the heart. It’s at least a thousand times better than the meager plans I had made for tonight’s Owl, yet says what I wanted to say and so much, much more. It’s a message of hope and comfort worth repeating for those that missed it in Beth’s thread, and for those that saw it to appreciate again.
Feeling loney tonight? No place to go. No family, no friends to share the joy of this night?
Mary and Joseph would know those feelings. On this night.
But then came Jesus. The joy of that little baby. That bundle known by His mother to become the Savior of the world.
Then came wise men bringing gifts; and lowly shepherds bringing wonder! And then, in the night sky with its gleaming star, angels appeared announcing great joy!
Mary and Joseph were never really alone that night. And the world was changed forever.
Have a very very merry merry CHRISTmas, my treasured TNB “family.”
“Silent Night” (4:56):
“O Holy Night – Susan Boyle” (4:05):
“We Three Kings of Orient Are” (3:19):
“Good King Wenceslas – Traditional Choir” (3:26):
“Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells) – Bel Canto Choir Vilnius” (2:18):
“O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) at Westminster Abbey” (8:36):
“Angels We Have Heard On High” – “The Best Christmas Song I’ve Ever Heard. It Will Give You Chills.” (4:09):
Question of the Night: Please post your favorite Christmas music, and/or stories and memories of Christmases past, and have a wonderful Christmas day!
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