Biden Bits: There is No Turning Back

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

Friday Fun!

For Friday, August, 6th, 2021, President Biden has received his daily brief. He already offered remarks on the July Jobs Report that was released Friday morning. After his remarks President Biden will depart Washington to travel to his home in Delaware. After arriving in Delaware he will receive his weekly economic brief. Daniel Dale is still on vacation.

President Biden has tweeted 3 times so far for Friday…

This isn’t to mock the seriousness of voter suppression. This is just cause it’s Friday.

The video stream is 17 minutes and 42 seconds long. Since he just wrapped up his address the transcript of his remarks will be posted probably on Monday.

This morning the BLS released July’s Jobs report:

July’s Jobs Report. 08/06/2021.

They revised data up for May and June…

July’s Jobs Report. 08/06/2021.

Some Economic-Twitter thoughts on the Jobs Report.

Same guys tweets but with an added take included…

Washington Post reporter Eli Rosenberg writes:

“This is an unambiguously positive report,” said Mark M. Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics. “It’s consistent with a booming economy, and economy that’s roaring back from the pandemic recession.”

Joe Brusuelas, chief economist at the firm RSM, agreed that the report showed exceedingly strong momentum for the recovery. “I’ve been doing this a long time — this is one of the best monthly jobs reports that I’ve seen in my career arc,” he said.

The report is a portrait of the economy from the middle of July, around the time that coronavirus cases from the Delta variant began to surge. Economists like Brusuelas and Zandi cautioned that it may be too soon to tell how severely the latest surge of cases, which is threatening the country’s reopening, will affect the labor market.

“It’s concerning,” said Constance Hunter, chief economist for KPMG. “We could see some reversal in August and September’s data because of the delta variant. A lot of people are putting their hopes on September really going off to the races, with back to the school making it so that many parents won’t have to work from home. But as the delta variant progresses here, if it hampers back to school, it’s could put a dent in.”

Washington Post. 08/06/2021.

CNBC News reported on Thursday that the prediction for today’s jobs report data was all over the map; Wall Street forecasts are wide-ranging for the July employment report, which is slated for release Friday at 8:30 a.m. ET. Wilmington Trust economists, for instance, expect just 350,000 payrolls, while Jefferies economists predict 1.2 million jobs were added.

Months ago, the economists had forecasted a robust jobs report, saying that something like 1 million new jobs would be added, and boy they were wrong, so, they are going to cushion the blow so to speak.

This is just my personal 2 cents worth of thoughts…

I saw a tweet I’m unable to locate at present that said “this data is all bullshit.” Now, I can’t say UserUnknown praised the previous dude in office, but that seems to be a standard scream.

The report is fixed.

I can’t say it’s not, for me, these reports are just snaps of the economic health of our country, because our economy is a complex beast of burden.

However, the reporters haven’t changed, they are measured the same, calculated the same, so if it’s bullshit now, it was bullshit then…

I mean, even the miscalculation of recording temp., unemployed people is still among us…

In fairness to the miscalculation chaos, about or around June/July last year the error was less, not a huge swing, either way.

My whole point though rests on “it’s the fucking same report”, if the numbers are phony today, they were phony last July, the July before that, and on and on.

Also, my other cent worth of thoughts, President’s by and large are not responsible for job growth, they can and have supported policy that is and can be good, bad, and ugly *cough* tariffs *cough* for the economy, but overall the economy churns despite who’s President.

And now you have my 2 cents worth of thoughts.

When Biden Bits was published for Thursday he had 3 tweets. He added 10 tweets and 0 retweets giving him a Thursday Tweeting Total of 13 tweets and 0 retweets.

The updated White House fact-sheet can be found here.
The PDF of the draft bill can be found here.
For a summary see the Biden Bits linked from Thursday.

The readout of the meeting:

Today, the President and Vice President met with 13 Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA & NHPI) leaders representing the rich diversity of the AA & NHPI communities to discuss a wide range of issues, including the Administration’s Build Back Better Agenda. The conversation focused on the importance of combating the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, economic opportunity, commitment to equity, protecting the sacred right to vote, and immigration reform. During the meeting, the President and Vice President reiterated their promise to work together to ensure the needs of the diaspora of the AA & NHPI communities are heard, uplifted and met. 

The meeting also commemorated nine years since the horrific 2019 Sikh Temple mass shooting in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The President and Vice President restated their support for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, farm workers, TPS holders, and essential workers through reconciliation, pledging to work with the AA & NHPI community on immigration reform. The President and Vice President acknowledged the AA & NHPI community record turnout in civic engagement and vowed to continue working to strengthen our democracy and the protection of voting rights.

Those that attended the meeting:

AA & NHPI Leaders:

Seema Agnani, Executive Director, National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD)

Christine Chen, Executive Director, Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)

Quyen Dinh, Executive Director, Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC)

Satjeet Kaur, Executive Director, Sikh Coalition

Kiran Kaur Gill, Executive Director, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF)

Kūhiō Lewis, President & CEO, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA)

Neil Makhija, Executive Director, Indian American Impact

Gregg Orton, National Director, National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA)

Tavae Samuelu, Executive Director, Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC)

Chiling Tong, President & CEO, Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (National ACE)

Alvina Yeh, Executive Director, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA)

Sung Yeon Choimorrow, Executive Director, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF)

White 08/05/2021.

The video stream is 25 minutes and 18 seconds long. President Biden begins speaking at the 1 minute and 51 second mark. His full remarks can be found here.

President Biden (7:44): You know, back in May, I toured the Ford plant, as I mentioned — a state-of-the-art facility in Dearborn — where the UAW workers like Bernie are building the first-ever all-electric Ford 150 [F-150]. And as I said, the best part is, I got to drive it. It’s incredible, just like the other vehicles that are behind me today. They’re a vision of the future that is now beginning to happen, a future of the automobile industry that is electric — battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, fuel cell electric. It’s electric, and there’s no turning back.

I got no reason for this music break, it doesn’t fit, it’s just the first song I thought of.

President Biden (11:01): Today, I’m announcing steps we’re taking to set a new pace for electric vehicles. First, I’m following through on the campaign commitment to reverse the previous administration’s short-sighted rollback of vehicle emissions and efficiency standards.

President Biden (12:06): It’s about leveraging once-in-a-generation investments and a whole-of-government effort to lift up American autoworkers and strengthen — and strengthen the American leadership in the world in the clean car technology — trucks — not just cars, but trucks as well, and buses. You know, that’s why, today, I’m signing an executive order setting out a target of 50 percent of all passenger vehicles sold by 2030 will be electric and set into motion an all-out effort.

The video stream is 21 minutes and 25 seconds long. President Biden begins speaking at the 4 minute and 32 second mark. His full remarks can be found here.

President Biden (6:41): [not a direct speech to tweet text copy]: Today, I’m signing into law the bill you sent me that awards the Congressional Gold Medal to the United States Capitol Police, the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, and other law enforcement for their service in defense of our democracy on January the 6th. To all of them, on behalf of a grateful nation, thank you, thank you, thank you for protecting our Capitol.  Maybe even more importantly, for protecting our Constitution and saving the lives of duly elected members of the Senate and the House and their staffs. In these moments when we’re still debating — these were tragic hours back then — you stood in the breach.  You did your duty — a duty to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  The events that transpired were surprising but not your character or your courage, Chief, and all your men and women. 

President Biden learned the news of Rich Trumka’s passing a few hours before his remarks regarding the clean car EO he signed.

From his remarks:

I — before I begin, let me start with something — I apologize — more somber.  I — I learned a couple of hours ago, when my staff came in, that a close friend of mine — and I think of many of you as well — Rich Trumka died today from a heart attack.

The reason I was a few minutes late coming out — and I apologize for that — I was talking to his wife and to his son, who called. 

He wasn’t just a great labor leader, he was a friend.  And he was a friend of yours too, Debbie, I think.  And he was someone I could confide in.  And you knew whatever he said he’d do, he would do.  It was simple, Tommy; you knew him well as well.  He was always there.

He was an American worker.  Always fighting for working people, protecting their wages, their safety, their pensions, and their ability to build a middle-class life.

I’ve also believed that the middle class built America, but I know who built the middle class: unions.  Unions built the middle class.  There is no doubt that Rich Trumka helped build unions all across this country.

My heart goes out to Barbara and Rich Jr. and the grandkids.  And I might point out that, you know, I used to always kid him — he was from soft coal country; I was from hard coal country.  We used to have this thing about — you know, he used to be president of the United Mine Workers and that’s how he got started. 

White 08/05/2021.

Richard Trumka was 72 years-old.

The video is 17 seconds long. President Biden is driving the Rubicon.

The daily press briefing is scheduled to start at 1:00 p.m. D.C., time.

This is an open thread


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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.