Biden Bits: A Statement of Values…

Biden Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

President Biden’s public schedule for Wednesday 03/15/2023:

11:30 AMThe President receives the President’s Daily Briefing
Closed Press
12:15 PMOut-of-Town Pool Call Time
Out-of-Town Pool
2:30 PM RemarksThe President discusses his plan to lower prescription drug costs
Pooled for TV and Pre-Credentialed Media
3:30 PMThe President departs Las Vegas, Nevada en route to Joint Base Andrews
Out-of-Town Pool
6:00 PMIn-Town Pool Call Time
In-Town Pool
7:30 PMThe President arrives at Joint Base Andrews
South LawnOpen Press

This morning the White House posted the following fact-sheet; Seniors Across the Country Are Saving Millions of Dollars in Health Care Costs Because of President Biden’s Prescription Drug Law

New data from the Department of Health and Human Services shows how much seniors in every state could save because of cost-saving provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration released new data showing how President Biden’s prescription drug law is lowering health care costs and prescription drug prices for seniors across the country. Americans pay two to three times more for prescription drugs than citizens in other countries and the President and Congressional Democrats took on special interests to finally lower prices for Americans. Last August, President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which for the first time allows Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for seniors, caps the cost of insulin at $35, makes recommended vaccines free for Medicare beneficiaries, and requires prescription drug companies to pay rebates to Medicare if they raise their prices faster than inflation.

Already, millions of seniors are saving hundreds of dollars each per year because of the Biden Administration’s actions, and President Biden is fighting to expand these cost savings to all Americans. Last week, he released his FY2024 budget which proposes expanding Medicare’s negotiation authority to increase the number of drugs selected for negotiation sooner after they launch, making manufacturers pay rebates if they raise drug prices faster than inflation in the commercial market, and capping the price of insulin at $35 per month for everyone– not just seniors. Already, two of the three largest producers of insulin in the country – Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk – announced they’re meeting President Biden’s call and lowering insulin costs.

New data and actions released today show that the Administration is delivering on its promise to lower health care costs for the American people:

White 03/15/2023.

New Report Suggests 3.4 Million Seniors and People with Disabilities Could Save An Average of $70 Per Year Because of Free Recommended Vaccines

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a new report today showing the savings people with Medicare will now enjoy because President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act makes recommended Part D vaccines free for beneficiaries. The report finds that 3.4 million people with Medicare would have saved $234 million in out-of-pocket costs in 2021 – an average of $70 per person – had the Inflation Reduction Act been in effect then. HHS expects the actual number of people who will benefit from these cost savings in 2023 will be larger than the 2021 figures because removing out-of-pocket costs will make the vaccines more affordable for the 51 million Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in a Part D plan. A state-by-state breakdown of cost-savings that Medicare beneficiaries would have experienced in 2021 can be found below.

HHS released data earlier this year that show that 1.5 million seniors and others on Medicare with diabetes would have saved, on average, $500 each per year on insulin if the Inflation Reduction Act’s $35 cap on a month’s supply of insulin had been in effect in 2020. To view a state-by-state breakdown of number of Medicare enrollees who are benefitting from President Biden’s $35 cap on insulin visit HHS’s website.

White 03/15/2023.

HHS Announces First Set of Prescription Drugs Subject to Inflation Rebates, Putting Money Back into Seniors’ Pockets Starting in April

Today HHS also announced the first set of Part B prescription drugs that will be subject to Medicare inflation rebates because they raised their prices faster than inflation. President Biden’s prescription drug law includes critical checks to ensure that prescription drug companies have to pay back Medicare if they raise prices on seniors at a higher rate than inflation. Starting in April, some Medicare beneficiaries will have lower coinsurance for the 27 prescription drugs that raised prices faster than inflation in the last quarter of 2022. Seniors may see their out-of-pocket costs for these drugs decrease by $2 to as high as $390 per average dose starting April 1st.

In addition to making drug companies pay Medicare back for increasing their prices faster than inflation, this provision of the Inflation Reduction Act discourages other companies from doing the same, with the goal of reining in excessive drug price hikes year-over-year. According to a recent report from HHS, 1,200 prescription drugs increased their prices faster than inflation in 2021 – the year before Congressional Democrats passed and President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act.

The 27 drugs subject to Medicare inflation rebates and the coinsurance adjustment rates are below:

White 03/15/2023.

Biden Administration to Take Critical Step in Allowing Medicare to Negotiate Down the Price of Prescription Drugs

For decades, leaders have tried to take on Big Pharma and allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs for seniors and failed. President Biden and Congressional Democrats finally got it done with the Inflation Reduction Act. Later this year, Medicare will begin negotiating lower prescription drug prices for its beneficiaries, and today, the Biden Administration will take a critical step in that process. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) within HHS will release initial guidance on its drug price negotiation process, which will outline how the agency will select drugs for negotiation and how those negotiations will be conducted.

The ability to negotiate lower prescription drug prices is one of the most powerful tools Medicare has to lower health care costs for American seniors and families. To that end, President Biden last week called for expanding Medicare’s negotiating authority to cover more drugs, sooner after they launch, when he released his FY2024 budget.

To read more about Medicare’s new ability to negotiate prescription drug prices, visit HHS’s website.

White 03/15/2023.

Out-of-Pocket Costs for Medicare Part D Enrollees on Part D Covered Vaccines in 2021, by State

More details on the out-of-pocket cost savings for vaccines as a result of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act are below.

Source: ASPE analysis of the CMS 2021 Medicare Prescription Drug Event (PDE) and Medicare enrollment data files. Notes: Estimates are presented for enrollees who received any Part D covered vaccines. For vaccines that require multiple doses to complete the vaccination series, estimates include all doses received in 2021. Totals include enrollees residing in U.S. territories or outside the United States.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said: Inflation Reduction Act Tamps Down on Prescription Drug Price Increases Above Inflation

New Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Program protects people with Medicare and taxpayers when drug companies increase prices faster than the rate of inflation

HHS announces savings for some people with Medicare on 27 Part B prescription drugs

The Biden-Harris Administration has made lowering prescription drug costs in America a key priority — and President Biden is delivering results. Today, the Department of Health and Human Services, through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), announced 27 prescription drugs for which Part B beneficiary coinsurances may be lower from April 1 – June 30, 2023. Thanks to President Biden’s new law to lower prescription drug costs, some people with Medicare who take these drugs may save between $2 and $390 per average dose starting April 1, depending on their individual coverage. Through the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden and his Administration are lowering prescription drug costs for American seniors and families.

“The Biden-Harris Administration believes people with Medicare shouldn’t be on the hook when drug companies inexplicably jack up the prices of their drugs,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “President Biden made lowering prescription drug costs for Americans a top priority and we’re using every lever we have to deliver results. With the inflation rebate program, we are fighting to ensure seniors can afford the treatments they need, taxpayers aren’t subsidizing drug company excess prices, and the Medicare program is strong for millions of beneficiaries now and in the future.” 

The Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Program is one of the many important tools Medicare has to address rising drug costs. By reducing coinsurance for some people with Part B coverage and discouraging drug companies from increasing prices faster than inflation, this policy may lower out-of-pocket costs for some people with Medicare and reduce Medicare program spending for costly drugs. ​

“The Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Program is a critical way to address long-term price increases by drug companies while improving access and affordability for the millions of people with Medicare coverage,” said CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure. “Continued implementation of the new drug law strengthens Medicare, faithfully guards taxpayer dollars, and improves the long-term sustainability of the program for generations to come.”

CMS has released information about these 27 Part B drugs and biological products in the quarterly ASP public file, available here.  A fact sheet is available here.

Lower Part B coinsurance will go into effect on April 1, 2023. This coinsurance adjustment applies to certain drugs and biologicals covered under Medicare Part B. The Part B drugs impacted by this coinsurance adjustment may change quarterly.

See the initial guidance detailing the requirements and procedures for the Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Program here.

In addition, HHS released a report on how much Medicare Part D enrollees would have saved on vaccine cost-sharing if the Inflation Reduction Act has been in effect in 2021. 03/15/2023.

The White House also posted an on-the-record that on “the Biden Administration’s New Actions to Lower Healthcare Costs for Americans” that I won’t be copying over.

President Biden has tweeted…

He’s posted 3 tweets so far for Wednesday.

From the White House fact-sheet; The Congressional Republican Agenda: Repealing the Affordable Care Act and Slashing Medicaid (02/28/2023):

Rural Hospitals Would Be Forced to Close

  • More of the over 500 rural hospitals at risk of closure could close. The ACA, especially its expansion of Medicaid, helped cut hospital uncompensated care by about $12 billion, helping hospitals, especially rural hospitals, stay afloat. Between 2010 and 2021, nearly three-fourths of rural hospital closures were in states that have not adopted Medicaid expansion, with research finding that expansion disproportionately improved rural hospital margins and helped avert rural hospital closures. If the ACA is repealed, and millions lose coverage, closures among at-risk hospitals could increase significantly.

Separate from all these quantifiable harms, Republican ACA and Medicaid plans propose abrupt, unprecedented upheaval, with consequences for the entire health care system. In 2017, patient groupsphysicianshospitalsinsurersinsurance regulatorshealth care experts, and governors from both parties all expressed alarm that ACA repeals could have far-reaching consequences for the stability of health insurance markets and availability of affordable coverage and care.

We covered the fact-sheet in full on 02/28/2023 in Tuesday’s Biden Bits.

You can find the 184 page searchable PDF of his budget here.

The video is 1 minute and 34 seconds long. It was taken near as I can tell during his visit to Philadelphia, PA., to unveil his budget.

Ginny is a senior who spoke with President Biden about how the Inflation Reduction Act has saved her given one medication she takes can cost about $600,000 a year.

I have decided not to transcribe the video as it’s 4 minutes to post time.

His remarks from Las Vegas are scheduled for 2:30 p.m. D.C., time.

When the post was posted for Tuesday, President Biden had tweeted 3 times. He added many many tweets…

Anyhoo, the added tweet number is 16 tweets and 0 retweets which gives him a Tuesday Tweeting Total of 19 tweets and 0 retweets. released the Consumer Price Index Summary on Tuesday:

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.4 percent in February on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.5 percent in January, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 6.0 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, accounting for over 70 percent of the increase, with the indexes for food, recreation, and household furnishings and operations also contributing. The food index increased 0.4 percent over the month with the food at home index rising 0.3 percent. The energy index decreased 0.6 percent over the month as the natural gas and fuel oil indexes both declined.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.5 percent in February, after rising 0.4 percent in January. Categories which increased in February include shelter, recreation, household furnishings and operations, and airline fares. The index for used cars and trucks and the index for medical care were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index increased 6.0 percent for the 12 months ending February; this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending September 2021. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.5 percent over the last 12 months, its smallest 12-month increase since December 2021. The energy index increased 5.2 percent for the 12 months ending February, and the food index increased 9.5 percent over the last year. 03/14/2023.

President Biden’s full statement:

Today’s report shows annual inflation is down by a third from this summer at a time when the unemployment rate remains near a 50-year low.   That is the slowest annual increase since September 2021.   I will continue working to lower costs for hard-working Americans so they have a little more breathing room at the end of the month.
On that front, I am pleased at today’s announcement that, in line with my call, Novo Nordisk will be lowering their insulin prices by 75 percent, following Eli Lilly’s action.  This builds on the important progress we made last year when I signed a law to cap insulin at $35 for seniors.  I urge all other manufacturers to follow suit and Republicans in Congress to join us and cap insulin at $35 for all Americans.
As I’ve long said, and as challenges in the banking sector remind us, there will be setbacks along the way in our transition to steady and stable growth. But we face these challenges from a position of strength. More than 12 million jobs have been created since I took office and the share of working age adults in jobs or looking for work is the highest it has been in 15 years. We will continue to make progress in our fight to build an economy from the bottom up and middle out, not top down.
At the same time, I will do everything in my power to prevent us from going backwards on the progress we’ve made – including by standing up to Congressional Republicans who threaten economic catastrophe over the debt limit in order to secure tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporations and reckless cuts to critical programs that American seniors and families count on.

White 03/14/2023.

We turn to Ben Casselman for charts and stuff…

Reuters said: Novo Nordisk (NOVOb.CO) said on Tuesday it would cut U.S. list prices for several insulin products by up to 75% next year, joining rival Eli Lilly and Co (LLY.N) as political pressure mounts to make these life-sustaining diabetes treatments more affordable. The moves follow the passing of President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act last year that capped insulin prices for Medicare recipients at $35 per month, but does not include patients without insurance.

Novo Nodisck said:

  • Novo Nordisk has been working to identify a sustainable approach to reduce insulin costs for patients that addresses changes in health policy and market shifts
  • Lower list prices build on long-standing history of affordability initiatives already in place which can be accessed at
  • Novo Nordisk currently provides co-pay support for a number of insulin products meaning eligible patients can pay $25-35 for their insulin 

Novo Nordisk Inc. today announced it is lowering the U.S. list prices of several insulin products by up to 75% for people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Products include both pre-filled pens and vials of basal (long-acting), bolus (short-acting) and pre-mix insulins, specifically Levemir®, Novolin®, NovoLog® and NovoLog® Mix 70/30. Novo Nordisk is also reducing the list price of unbranded biologics to match the lowered price of each respective branded insulin. These changes will go into effect on January 1, 2024.

Novo Nordisk recognizes that some patients find it difficult to pay for healthcare, including insulin. As such, the Company remains committed to reducing the burden of out-of-pocket costs, helping transform the complex pricing system, and fostering better pricing predictability. Novo Nordisk continually reviews and revises our offerings as well as works with diverse stakeholders to create solutions for differing patient needs.

“We have been working to develop a sustainable path forward that balances patient affordability, market dynamics, and evolving policy changes,” said Steve Albers, senior vice president, Market Access & Public Affairs at Novo Nordisk, Inc. “Novo Nordisk remains committed to ensuring patients living with diabetes can afford our insulins, a responsibility we take seriously.” 

The following changes to the wholesale acquisition cost (WAC), also known as the list price, will take effect on January 1, 2024:

Novo 03/14/2023.
  • Lowering the list price of four legacy insulin brands, including NovoLog® and NovoLog® Mix 70/30 by 75% off the current list price, and Novolin® and Levemir® by 65% off the current list price. New prices of these products will be as follows:
  • Reducing the list price of the following unbranded biologics (pre-filled pens and vials and pre-mix insulins) to match the lowered price of each respective branded insulin: Insulin Aspart and Insulin Aspart Protamine/Insulin Aspart.

Additionally, Novo Nordisk has a variety of long-standing U.S. affordability offerings available to eligible people living with diabetes, including:

  • Unbranded Biologics: Insulin Degludec is currently available at 65% off the list price of Tresiba®; Insulin Aspart and Insulin Aspart Protamine/Insulin Aspart are currently available at 50% off the list price of NovoLog® and NovoLog® Mix.
  • Novo Nordisk Human Insulin: A program through Walmart for more than two decades offers human insulin for approximately $25 per vial; it is also available at CVS for $25.
  • Co-pay Savings Cards: Co-pays for as little as $25-35 for several insulin products for eligible patients in commercial insurance plans.
  • My$99Insulin: A 30-day supply of a combination of insulin products (up to three vials or two packs of pens) for $99, equating to $33/vial or $49.50/pack of pens.
  • Immediate Supply: A one-time free 30-day supply of insulin (up to three vials or two packs of pens) to eligible patients at risk of rationing.
  • A Patient Assistance Program (PAP): Offers free diabetes medication to people in need who meet certain eligibility criteria.
  • COVID-19 Patient Assistance Program: Offers 90 days of free insulin to eligible patients who lost healthcare coverage due to COVID-19 job loss.

Novo Nordisk will continue to work with a diverse group of stakeholders to understand emerging patient needs. People living with diabetes are encouraged to access and learn more about these affordability programs at

Please visit for more important information about Novo Nordisk Inc. insulins.

Novo 03/14/2023.

The White House posted the following; readout of White House Roundtable, Women Rebuilding America

Today, on Equal Pay Day, White House and Biden Administration leaders convened workers, union leaders, construction contractors, heads of tradeswomen organizations, and equal pay experts to discuss how President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is providing economic opportunities for women in fields where they are historically underrepresented, in turn helping to close the gender pay gap. 

Administration participants included Jennifer Klein, Director of the Gender Policy Council; Mitch Landrieu, Senior Advisor to the President and Infrastructure Coordinator; Lael Brainard, Director of the National Economic Council; Heather Boushey, Chief Economist to the Invest in America Task Force and Member of the Council of Economic Advisors; Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo; Robin Carnahan, Administrator of the General Services Administration; Deputy Secretary Polly Trottenberg, Department of Transportation; and Seema Nanda, Solicitor of the Department of Labor.

Women working full-time, year-round are paid only 84 cents, on average, for every dollar paid to men. Pay disparities are wider, on average, for many women of color, including Black women, Latinas, Native American women, and some groups of Asian American women. One of the primary drivers of pay gaps is the difference in the types of jobs and sectors where men and women typically work; women tend to work in low-wage sectors and are underrepresented in many good-paying occupations. Reducing barriers and opening pathways to good jobs is an important part of closing gender and racial pay gaps. As part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the Biden-Harris Administration is making historic investments and creating good-paying jobs in industries such as advanced manufacturing, construction, and clean energy, and is providing opportunities for more women to access those jobs.

Today, as part of that work, the Administration announced the Department of Labor’s Mega Construction Project (Megaproject) Program. As part of that program, the Department of Labor will designate certain construction projects funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the CHIPS and Science Act as Megaprojects. Through intensive on-the-ground compliance assistance and community partnerships, the Megaproject Program strengthens recruitment, hiring, and employment practices for these construction projects, including by removing hiring barriers and promoting consideration of a diverse pool of qualified workers for jobs in the trades, including women, people of color, veterans, and people with disabilities.

This announcement comes on the heels of the Department of Commerce releasing a notice of funding opportunity for the CHIPS Incentives Program last week, which will provide direct funding, loans, and loan guarantees to support semiconductor manufacturing in the United States. As part of the notice of funding opportunity, Commerce is requiring that companies who apply for more than $150 million in direct funding submit a plan to provide access to child care for the semiconductor and construction workforce who will build and power new and expanded manufacturing facilities. This will help employers find the skilled, trained workforce they need and enable parents, including mothers, to obtain and stay in jobs that build and operate chip facilities.

Today’s White House Women Rebuilding America roundtable convened private employers and unions who support women’s access to jobs in the trades to discuss strategies to recruit, train, and hire women, especially women of color. Union leaders discussed their commitment to diversify the construction trades, while construction contractors discussed their role as employers to create fair and equitable worksites. Workers and leaders of tradeswomen organizations discussed how to ensure community engagement and participation from workers in creating fair and equitable workplaces. White House officials underscored how women will play a critical role in advancing the progress of the President’s Investing in America agenda, thanked the participants for their leadership, and affirmed the Administration’s commitment to advancing equitable access to good jobs in communities across the country.

White 03/14/2023.

Participants included:

  • Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO
  • Sean McGarvey, International President, North America’s Building Trades Unions
  • Deryl McKissack, President and CEO, McKissack & McKissack
  • Stephanie Burns, Vice President and Director of WorkForce Development & Engagement, Turner Construction Company
  • Erica Iheme, Co-Executive Director, Jobs to Move America
  • Lauren Sugerman, Director, Center for Women’s Employment Equity, Chicago Women in Trades
  • Donna Hammond, Interim Executive Director, Oregon Tradeswomen (IBEW Local 48)
  • Cristina Barillas-McEntee, National LCLAA Chapter Development & Field Coordinator and Plumbers Local 130 UA
  • Tia Vonil, Key Electrical and IBEW Local 48
  • Jocelyn Frye, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
  • Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO, National Women’s Law Center
  • Noreen Farrell, Executive Director, Equal Rights Advocates and Chair, Equal Pay Today

H.R.7–Paycheck Fairness Act Summary:

This bill addresses wage discrimination on the basis of sex, which is defined to include pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics.

Specifically, it limits an employer’s defense that a pay differential is based on a factor other than sex to only bona fide job-related factors in wage discrimination claims, enhances nonretaliation prohibitions, and makes it unlawful to require an employee to sign a contract or waiver prohibiting the employee from disclosing information about the employee’s wages. The bill also increases civil penalties for violations of equal pay provisions.

Additionally, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs must train EEOC employees and other affected parties on wage discrimination.

The bill directs the Department of Labor to (1) establish and carry out a grant program to provide training in negotiation skills related to compensation and equitable working conditions, (2) conduct studies to eliminate pay disparities between men and women, and (3) make available information on wage discrimination to assist the public in understanding and addressing such discrimination.

The bill establishes the National Award for Pay Equity in the Workplace for an employer who has made a substantial effort to eliminate pay disparities between men and women. It also establishes the National Equal Pay Enforcement Task Force to address compliance, public education, and enforcement of equal pay laws.

Finally, the bill requires the EEOC to issue regulations for collecting from employers compensation and other employment data according to the sex, race, and national origin of employees for use in enforcing laws prohibiting pay discrimination. 04/15/2021.


DateActions Overview
04/15/2021Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 217 – 210 (Roll no. 108).
04/05/2021Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Education and Labor. H. Rept. 117-13.
01/28/2021Introduced in House said:

Today, after the announcement by Riyadh Air and Saudia of their selection of (78) 787 Boeing aircraft with options for (43) more 787 Boeing aircraft for their expansion plans, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo released the following statement:

“I want to congratulate Boeing and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on finalizing one of the largest commercial agreements in the history of the U.S.-Saudi partnership. Today’s announcement will deliver world-class passenger aircraft to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and power economic growth and job creation in both countries.

“This is a clear win for American manufacturers and workers, supporting more than 140,000 jobs at over 300 Boeing suppliers across 38 states. Moreover, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has selected GE Aerospace’s GEnx engine to power the aircraft, providing billions more in U.S. exports and supporting good-paying American jobs. Under President Biden, America is experiencing a manufacturing renaissance, and agreements like the one announced today underscore the strength of America’s private sector, workers, and technology in the competitive global landscape.

“Today’s announcement, when taken together with the historic announcement last month between Boeing and Air India, means Boeing in a period of weeks has closed two of its largest commercial transactions in the history of the company. The Department of Commerce was pleased to support these landmark deals.

“We are also proud to have American companies anchor Saudi Arabia’s new flagship international airline together with a new international airport. In 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt provided King Abdulaziz al Saud with Saudi Arabia’s first airplane, a DC-3 Dakota. Today’s announcement is a fitting tribute to an economic partnership between our two countries now in its eighth decade.” 03/14/2023.

Boeing said:

Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Riyadh Air announced today that the new Saudi Arabian carrier has chosen the 787 Dreamliner to power its global launch and support its goal of operating one of the most efficient and sustainable fleets in the world.

Owned by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF), Riyadh Air said it will purchase 39 highly efficient 787-9s, with options for an additional 33 787-9s. Based in the capital city, Riyadh Air will play a key role in growing Saudi Arabia’s air transport network.

This agreement is part of Saudi Arabia’s wider strategic plan to transform the country into a global aviation hub. In total, Saudi Arabian carriers today announced their intent to purchase up to 121 787 Dreamliners in what will be the fifth largest commercial order by value in Boeing’s history. This will support the country’s goal of serving 330 million passengers and attracting 100 million visitors annually by 2030.   

“The new airline reflects the ambitious vision of Saudi Arabia to be at the core of shaping the future of global air travel and be a true disrupter in terms of customer experience,” said Tony Douglas, CEO of Riyadh Air.

“Riyadh Air’s commitment to its customers will see the integration of digital innovation and authentic Saudi hospitality to deliver a seamless travel experience. By positioning the airline as both a global connector and a vehicle to drive tourist and business travel to Saudi Arabia, our new 787-9 airplanes will serve as a foundation for our worldwide operations, as we build the wider network and connect our guests to Saudi Arabia and many destinations around the world,” Douglas said.

“This is a significant order that will support Riyadh Air’s commitment to deliver a world-class travel experience, while supporting American aerospace manufacturing jobs at Boeing and across our supply chain,” said Stan Deal, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “We are incredibly proud of our nearly eight decades of partnership to drive innovation and sustainable growth in Saudi Arabia’s aviation sector. Our agreement builds on that longstanding partnership and will further expand access to safe and sustainable commercial air travel for decades more.”

The 787-9 provides the longest range of the 787 family of airplanes, flying approximately 300 passengers 7,565 nautical miles (14,010 km), with additional cargo capacity. Passengers enjoy a better experience with the largest windows of any jet, air that is more humid and pressurized at a lower cabin altitude for greater comfort, large overhead bins with room for everyone’s bag; soothing LED lighting, and technology that senses and counters turbulence for a smoother ride.

The 787 family is delivering unmatched fuel efficiency to airline operators around the world reducing fuel use and emissions by 25% compared to airplanes they replace.

This new order will be posted to Boeing’s Orders and Deliveries website once it is finalized. 03/14/2023.

Boeing also said:

Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Saudi Arabian Airlines (SAUDIA) today announced the national flag-carrier will grow its long-haul fleet with the selection of up to 49 787 Dreamliners. SAUDIA is set to purchase 39 787s, with a further 10 options, utilizing the outstanding efficiency, range and flexibility of the Dreamliner to sustainably grow its global operation. The agreement will include both 787-9 and 787-10 models.

This agreement is part of Saudi Arabia’s wider strategic plan to transform the country into a global aviation hub. In total, Saudi Arabian carriers announced today their intent to purchase up to 121 787 Dreamliners in what will be the fifth largest commercial order by value in Boeing’s history. This will support the country’s goal of serving 330 million passengers and attracting 100 million visitors annually by 2030.   

“SAUDIA continues its expansion efforts in all aspects of the airline; whether it’s introducing new destinations or increasing the aircraft fleet,” His Excellency Engr. Ibrahim Al-Omar, Director General of SAUDIA Group. “The agreement with Boeing delivers on this commitment and the newly added aircraft will further enable SAUDIA to fulfill its strategic objective of bringing the world to the Kingdom”.

SAUDIA currently operates more than 50 Boeing airplanes on its long-haul network, including the 777-300ER (Extended Range) and 787-9 and 787-10 Dreamliner. The additional 787s complement SAUDIA’s existing fleet, enabling it to effectively harness the value of the 777 and 787 families.

“Adding to its 787 Dreamliner fleet will enable SAUDIA to expand its long-haul service with outstanding range, capacity and efficiency,” said Stan Deal, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “After more than 75 years of partnership, we are honored by SAUDIA’s confidence in Boeing products and will continue to support Saudi Arabia’s goal to expand sustainable air travel.”

Since revenue service began in 2011, the 787 family has launched more than 350 new nonstop routes around the world, including about 50 new routes since 2020. The Dreamliner reduces fuel use and emissions by 25% compared to the airplanes it replaces.

This order will be posted to Boeing’s Orders and Deliveries website when finalized. 03/14/2023.

The YouTube is 19 minutes and 9 seconds long. His full remarks can be found here.

President Biden: Today, I’m announcing another executive order that will accelerate and intensify this work to save more lives more quickly. First, this executive order helps keep firearms out of dangerous hands, as I continue to call on Congress to require background checks for all firearm sales.  (Applause.)  And in the meantime — in the meantime, my executive order directs my Attorney General to take every lawful action possible — possible to move us as close as we can to universal background checks without new legislation.

President Biden: But let’s be clear: None of this absolves Congress the responsibility — from the responsibility of acting to pass universal background checks, eliminate gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability.  (Applause.)

President Biden: And I am determined once again to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.  (Applause.)  I led that fight in — to ban them in 1994.  In the 10 years that law was in place, mass shootings went down. Our Republicans friends let it expire, and it — and 10 years later, and mass shootings tripled since then.  Tripled. So let’s finish the job.  Ban assault weapons.  Ban them again.  Do it now.  Enough.  Do something.  Do something big.  (Applause.)

President Biden: But as we all saw, a day of festivity and light turned into a day of fear and darkness.  A holiday of hope and possibilities marked by horror and pain.  Vibrant dances and music replaced by vigils and memorials.  Eleven souls taken.  Nine injured.  Private mourning made public. That sense of safety shattered.  Survivors who will always carry the physical and emotional scars.  Families left behind who will never be the same. One of the worst mass shootings in California history.  A tragedy that has pierced the soul of this nation, here in Monterey Park, in the San Gabriel Valley, the heart of the Asian American community.

President Biden: To the families of victims who spend time — I get a chance to meet with today and whom Vice President Harris spent time with a few weeks ago, I’m here on behalf of the American people to mourn with you, to pray with you, to let you know you’re loved and not alone.

President Biden: Last year, after the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, I signed into law, after being in both places, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant gun safety law in almost 30 years.

The 41 second video snip is taken from remarks he gave from San Diego on 03/13/2023.

President Biden: It’s an honor — honor to be here to welcome Prime Minister Albanese and Prime Minister Sunak.  And it’s my honor to welcome you both to the United States as we take the next critical step in advancing the Australia, U.S., UK partnership — AUKUS.  It’s an unusual name, “AUKUS,” but it’s a powerful entity.

President Biden: Australia and the United Kingdom are two of America’s most stalwart and capable allies.  Our common values and our shared vision for a more peaceful and prosperous future unite us all across the Atlantic and Pacific. For more than a century, we’ve stood together to defend freedom and strengthen democracy and to your — and to spur greater opportunity in all our countries.

President Biden: Simply stated, we’re putting ourselves in the strongest possible position to navigate the challenges of today and tomorrow together. Together.  So, I thank you again, Prime Minister Albanese, Mi- — Prime Minister Sunak.  And the United States could not ask for two better friends or partners to stand with as we work to create a safer, more peaceful future for the people everywhere

We covered everything AUKUS related in Tuesday’s Biden Bits.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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