Monday Trump Tweets, Tuesday He Met with South Korean President Moon

President Donald J. Trump and President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea at the United Nations General Assembly. Photo by The White House.



President Trump welcomed President Moon of South Korea into the oval office, the two spoke to the press for about thirty-five minutes before their private meeting, which President Trump said would focus on Trade, but mostly focus on the planned upcoming summit between the United States and North Korea.

*Full Press Conference

Highlights from the Press Conference

In his opening remarks to the press he welcomes the President of South Korea, at one point calling them “excellent people to work with on trade.”

From the four minute and three second mark, speaking through a translator, President Moon offers his condolences for the school shooting that took place in Santa Fe Texas, claiming the lives of ten, while injuring another ten. He goes on to add his congratulations for the safe return of the three North Korean Detainees.

From the five minute and fifteen minute mark when asked if the president of North Korea is serious about denuclearization, President Trump replies, “yes, I think he is absolutely very serious, yes.”

From the five minute and fifty second mark the President is asked for an update on how the planning is going for the meeting, he says things are still moving forward, but cautions the meeting might take place at a later date, than the scheduled June 12th date.

The President goes on to say when asked about whether or not he has spoken with North Korean leader King Jong Un, “that he doesn’t want to answer that.”

At the seven minute and twenty-nine second mark the President is asked about his meeting with Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein, “It was a very routine meeting,” he adds, “lots of people are saying they had spies inside my campaign.”

From the eight minute and fifty-second marked asked about a Trade deal with China, the President replies, “President Xi and I have a great relationship, but there is no deal with China.” When pressed about whether or not he was going to reverse the Commerce departments denial order against, ZTE, the President said, “The President asked me to look into that, so I’m looking into it.”

From the eleven minute and nine second mark, he is asked, though the question is not audible enough to speculate it complete, you can hear the name “Rod Rosenstien,” to which President turns toward another reporter, then adding, ‘I have the President of South Korea here, he doesn’t want hear that.”

For over the next several minutes he praises President Moon as being a “great man.”

After which, he asks the translator to then translate what he said to President Moon.

After an awkward few minutes the press conference once again focuses on the upcoming summit with North Korea.

From the eighteen minute and forty-two second mark, asked about how North Korea and supporting them with money, the President replies, that he has spoken with China, South Korea, and Japan, “they will be willing to help and invest very very large sums of money into helping Make North Korea Great.”

From the nineteen minute and thirty second mark, President Trump is asked if President Moon has shared his thoughts and opinions of his own meeting, with Kim Jong Un, from late April, “Yes, we will be discussing that later, that’s why we are here.”

From the nineteen minute and fifty second mark speaking on behalf of President Moon, President Trump answers as to whether or not President Moon has an upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un, the answer according to President Trump is, “no he doesn’t know if he has a upcoming meeting, he may or may not have one.”

From the twenty-one minute and ten second mark, the President is asked once again about trade with China, he says, what passed administrations have allowed other countries to do to us on trade, is almost like what the military calls, dereliction of duty. China is the big one.

From the twenty-two and seven second mark, President Trump talks about two meetings between President Xi and Kimg Jong Un, “One we knew about, the second one, we didn’t, and there was a change in attitude after the second meeting.”

President Moon at the twenty-five minute and forty-one second mark answers the second question he was asked in regards to his meeting with Kim Jong Un, he states that he is aware of American’s speculate view on the up coming summit with North Korea, he adds, “We shouldn’t assume it will fail now, just because it’s failed in the past.” He continues that while there have been other deals between North Korea and the United States, this would be the first deal between it’s two leaders, and that “President Trump was able to bring on this positive change.”

After the end of the press conference President Trump tweeted:

Authors notes:
*the video provided by Live Satellite News has three or four little musical overtures, I apologize in advance at the time of the writing of this article, it was the only link available with the full press conference.
Also all the links in less otherwise marked, take you to previous The News Blender articles.

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Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2719 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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