One-time personal attorney and self proclaimed “fixer” for President Trump, Michael Cohen, may have made a deal with New York prosecutors regarding the criminal investigation into Cohen’s financial dealings.
Cohen, who made headlines in April when the FBI executed a search warrant on his home, office, and a hotel suite, The News Blender reported at the time that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had referred information to the New York Southern District office. The President expressed his outrage via twitter at the time, lamenting that “Attorney Client privilege was dead” regarding the seizure of documents that total millions. according to reporting at the time.
Attorney–client privilege is dead!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 10, 2018
Over the next several months, we learned as was reported at The News Blender, that radio and Fox News show host Sean Hannity was Cohen’s “client number three.” We learned that Cohen recorded conversations, at least one of which was between he and President Trump, as played on CNN. Via Cohen’s newest attorney Lanny Davis, that seemed to regard issuing a payment to a Playboy model that claimed a year long affair with President Trump in 2006 into 2007. We also learned that President Trump, via Cohen, paid Stormy Daniels, aka Stephanie Clifford, a porn actress that claims she had a sexual relationship with President Trump also in 2006, for her silence regarding the relationship during the 2016 presidential election. Cohen has also stated that President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting that was attended by Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign staff members, in hopes of the campaign obtaining “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.
More recently, The New York Times reported Sunday that the FBI was investigating Cohen on “bank fraud and tax fraud charges,” and that they had, “zeroed in on well over $20 million in loans obtained by taxi businesses that he and his family own, according to people familiar with the matter.”
On Tuesday morning, NBC News reported that Cohen was “discussing plea deal with prosecutors.” The article is citing “multiple sources familiar with the matter tell NBC news, that while a deal had not been reached at the time of print, that a potential deal could be reached as early as Tuesday afternoon.”
After the NBC story broke, CNN reporter Erica Orden, via tweet, informed users that barricades had been placed outside the courtroom where it’s expected that Cohen will appear, though she stressed she’s not sure if that’s why the barricades were installed.
Barricades were just put up outside the Manhattan federal courthouse at 500 Pearl Street
— erica orden (@eorden) August 21, 2018
Michael Cohen arrived at FBI headquarters, CNBC reports via tweet. They also report that Cohen is due to appear in court at 4 p.m. eastern.
Moments ago: Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen seen entering FBI New York office as NBC News reports that he's reached a plea deal.
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) August 21, 2018
CNN is reporting, via tweet, that according to one source, Cohen is expected to plead guilty but, “not,” cooperate with the government
CNN says Cohen will plead guilty but *not* cooperate with the government.
— Patrick W. Watson (@PatrickW) August 21, 2018
In the interest of time and stress levels this update is for both Paul Manafort and Micheal Cohen. First up Paul Manafort followed by what we know on Michael Cohen’s plea deal.
Update: Paul Manafort
As was reported @ The News Blender the jury in the Paul Manafort case could not reach a consensus on at least one charge, we know learn, via CNN, that the jury was unable to reach a verdict on ten of the counts, Judge T.S. Ellis, declared a mistrial on those charges. However the jury was able to reach a verdict on eight counts.
Guilty on all eight counts, via The Washington Post, on “five counts of filing false tax returns, one count of not filing a required IRS form, and two bank fraud counts.”
Update: Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen has plead guilty to “five counts of tax evasion, one count of making a false statement to a bank and two campaign finance violations: making an unlawful corporate campaign contribution and making an excessive campaign contribution,” via The Washington Post according to the article the judge asked if he pleaded guilty and Cohen replied, “yes, sir.”
As the linked post article notes, Cohen becomes the fifth Trump “associate to have plead guilty or be charged with criminal wrongdoing since,” President Trump took office.
President Trump is scheduled to hold a campaign rally in West Virginia in less than two hours from now.
These are developing stories
How long before Marmalade Mussolini attempts to declare martial law?
Right, Peeps? We deserve to revel in the glory, one at a time.
Bradley P. MossVerified account @BradMossEsq
60m60 minutes ago
OK, Manafort jury, please do not announce your verdict during the 4pm news hour.
Legal pundits talking re the plea deal and whether it will refer to un-indicted coconspirators, Person A, etc.
Congressman Hakeem JeffriesVerified account @RepJeffries
11m11 minutes ago
Longtime Trump attorney and fixer (Michael Cohen) guilty of criminal campaign finance violations. It appears that All of the President’s Men (one by one) are going down. Lock. Them. Up.
Hum. Well this is an interesring twist,
This admin pased the Full Employment Act for former federal prosecutors without even going through Congress.
Have no clue why CNN would think that Cohen would not be doing some type of quid pro quo for a plea… otherwise it’s not a plea deal. After all, if he merely didn’t want to contest the considered charges, all he’d have to do is plead guilty in the court hearing.
There would be little advantage to a plea without working on some sort of cooperative deal to lessen any potential sentencing.
Based on the reporting he is going to plead guilty to campaign finance law violations in his payoff to Porny Daniels and the Playboy bunny as well as others. They are saying he is facing “multiple counts” of campaign contribution violations meaning there were multiple payoffs made. If this is true Trump is toast especially if they used campaign donations to pay them off and Trump knew it because Trump certified all the income and expenditures to the FEC and paying off women wasn’t one of his disclosures.
Busy afternoon, Tiff?
This guy is on a roll
Swalwell for POTUS:
Rep. Eric SwalwellVerified account @RepSwalwell
44m44 minutes ago
The clouds of corruption around the White House are darkening. It’s time for the President of the United States to stop obstructing, come clean with the American people, and interview with Mueller. Otherwise, you cannot lead this great country.
Richard W. Painter @RWPUSA
16m16 minutes ago
My Attorney Got Arrested (MAGA)
And now for the campaign manager….
It’s the beginning of the end.
Brian KlaasVerified account @brianklaas
1h1 hour ago
Trump’s longtime lawyer is pleading guilty to crimes today; his campaign chairman is awaiting a jury verdict; his national security adviser is awaiting sentencing; a campaign foreign policy adviser is also awaiting sentencing; and Trump himself is under criminal investigation.
Cohen heard singing under his breath…
“It’s the end of the world as I we know it”…
and later
“Hi ho, Hi’s off to jail I go”
CNN analysts continue to sound confounded and suggest there must be some Cohen cooperation in here somewhere.
Yay. Tapper. If Cohen is pleading out on campaign finance violations, might the judge ask him whose campaign?
Unsure if this is related to their ongoing investigation, but thought I’d drop this here, too.
Rick WilsonVerified account @TheRickWilson
8m8 minutes ago
Dear @realdonaldtrump: for a moment, consider the overwhelming pyramid of evidence, documents, contemporaneous notes, recordings, nda’s, contracts, sketchy bank paperwork, used pregnancy test kits, DNA swabs, Hefty trash bags full of hotel sheets, etc ad nauseum Cohen has. Enjoy.
Cohen in the house.
Back to Manafort…
New note to Judge in Manafort trial
steve deace on cohen plea deal
At the Trump Rally. And look at the T-Shirt. Flipping reprehensible:
My, how the formerly revered have fallen:
Steve DeaceVerified account @SteveDeaceShow
Don’t think it’s any coincidence Cohen trump card drops today with Manafort jury at the very east teetering. Cohen makes Manafort less necessary and impactful now. This was Mueller’s insurance policy against what would’ve been an embarrassing and existential defeat.
Manafort verdict is in
Major news:
Verdict is in!
manafort; reached decision on 8 unknown what
Okay, so today Manafort — in only his 1st trial — was convicted on 8 counts. Cohen pleaded guilty to many charges.
These are Don the Con’s presidential campaign manager and his personal lawyer. On other words, these are two of his closest associates.
And if that’s not enough to give you a whiplash of news –>
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Winston Churchill
Manafort Judge to interview each juror individually.
will be a hung jury. judge determines they are hopelessly deadlocked. verdict coming
Mistrial on 10 counts
guilty tax charges
Judge just ruled MISTRIAL on 10 counts!
Guilty of at least 1 count
Judge reading verdict now
Guilty on 8 people. (at least)
He’s G-O-N-E
Now Orange Julius takes his pardon crayon…
One of the charges he pled guilty to was a campaign finance charge. The corks should remain in the champagne for those that believe this will not mean Trump administration implications.
About damned time
Annie? Are you ready for the rally?
Gux – where are ya???
I want to hear your WOO HOO!
Watching Trump trying to upstage all this at his rally tonight will be interesting.
I’m shocked we haven’t heard reports of Hannity being rushed to hospital for extreme mental anguish!
It is interesting how this might affect the consequences of a potential pardon.
Even if Trump issues a pardon for the 8 guilty charges, the outstanding 10 charges remain prosecutable in a potential new trial.
It’s a fake tweet — for now:
“Cohen implicating Trump. Just reported
Over to you, NunesJordanGeitzMeadowsGoodlatteGrahamHannityLevinIngrahamHemingwayCarterFalwell
Thank the heavens, Stormy Daniels has been vindicated. /s
Cohen said that he violated campaign finance laws at the direction of a federal candidate (Trump).
Just traveled the orange propaganda network. They are not concerned… none of this is about collusion with Russia so all is fine! Rest easy, cheeto jesus will survive to kick Mueller’s arse!! MAGAGAGARRRAWWWWWWW!!!
Beth Alert:
She’s on her way.
In response to such wonderful news lol:
Get a load of stories:
KRUMHOLZ: Manafort case is about Manafort – not Trump or the Trump campaign
Gaetz: The Ohrs were the ‘Bonnie and Clyde of collusion’, Manafort case unimportant
Tucker on Paul Manafort trial: Lead prosecutor Weissmann ‘avenging Hillary’s defeat’
Paulie’s Lawyers left without comment.
Sniff, sniff
I will allow myself a little glee. Hey Paul:
If Trump pardons Manafort or Cohen, then he needs to be immediately impeached.
Get used to this Paul:
Fox News cuts to a press conference of a murdered girl in Iowa. And the murderer is an illegal alien, so they love that.
The “witches” are melting!
Weathermen at Fox News are predicting lots of Hillary’s emails in tonight’s forecast.
Cohen implicating Trump in:
Payment to Stormy
Payment to American Media (Pecker)
Rick WilsonVerified account @TheRickWilson
13m13 minutes ago
Oh, MAN is Trump going to lose his damn mind at the rally tonight.
Brace for massive tweetkakke in the next 24 hours.
Bill KristolVerified account @BillKristol
2m2 minutes ago
Just spitballing here, but if Flynn is guilty, and Manafort’s guilty, and Cohen’s guilty…maybe Trump’s guilty?
The biggest irony of all this?
The cult wouldn’t have batted an eye at the affairs.
Dernald would have had his orange pastor brigade out there vouching for his baby Christianity and all would have been well.
Cohen just left Courthouse. Said nothing.
We should say a prayer for the utter despair at Breitbart and other Trump propaganda sites. Ah frack them……..???
The post has been updated. I included both Cohen and the Manafort stuff in the update.
In coordination and at the direction of the candidate…uh oh
Atty Joey Jackson:
Horrific Day for WH.
Manafort Lawyers talking:
“Manafort disappointed….evaluating options”
Today is brought to you by the number
Can’t believe these two things broke in unison today.
Deputy US Attorney talking now (Cohen case)
From The New York Times:
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former fixer, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to campaign finance and other charges. He made the extraordinary admission that he paid a pornographic actress “at the direction of the candidate,” referring to Mr. Trump, to secure her silence about an affair she said she had with Mr. Trump.
Mr. Cohen told a judge in United States District Court in Manhattan that the payment was “for the principal purpose of influencing the election” for president in 2016.
This is a potentially significant development. If Cohen’s account is truthful and Trump directed him to violate campaign finance law “for the principal purpose of influencing the election,” what else might Trump have done to produce the electoral result he desired? Certainly, pursuing an “end justifies the means” approach in one area, suggests that one is capable of doing so in another. That other area could involve at least de facto cooperation with Russia or Russian interests.
Overall, this outcome likely increases the legal peril in which Donald Trump, Jr., finds himself, and potentially raises the legal risks to the President despite what Fox News or perhaps Mark Levin might otherwise suggest. If he addresses Cohen’s plea deal, Levin could well cite his legal background to imply a degree of authority in stating his opinion. However, his legal reasoning of late e.g., his almost preposterous misinterpretation of the Constitution’s “Appointments Clause” to argue that the Special Counsel’s appointment was unconstitutional, has been anything but credible lately.
Two women?
US Atty:
“Very serious charges……particularly significant because Cohen is a Lawyer…”
“Okay… so Trump’s campaign was filled to the gills with corrupt people, but WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH RUSSIAN COLLUSION????” — every Trumper ever, right now.
Show us your tax returns, Donnie. Your personal lawyer just pleaded guilty to several counts of tax evasion..Your campaign manager was just convicted of several counts of filing false tax returns. That makes it look like you might be hiding a few things.yourself..
Is that Mike Pence warming up in the bullpen?
Suck it Hannity. You damn lying liar who lies. Screw you.
Overheard on Air Force One (This rally should be wild)
Just when you thought last year’s solar eclipse was going to be the most memorable August 21 for the foreseeable future.
Joey Jackson on CNN:
“critical time in History…left up to Congress what to do about it. We are there. Big day in our History”
no cooperation agreement in plea agreement.
Evan McMullinVerified account @Evan_McMullin
34m34 minutes ago
Republicans, it’s time to get off the Trump Train. Think it’s bad now? It gets a lot worse from here. It’s never too late to do the right thing.
Writer at The Atlantic:
Franklin FoerVerified account @FranklinFoer
21m21 minutes ago
Manafort could spend 80 years in jail—and we have only begun the judicial process of exploring his misdeeds. We’re not even close to the epilogue of his tale.
By the way Tiff? This article is definately super BOOM worthy!
*hides before Lenny can card him!*;)
Orange-Ass-is-Grass is getting off plane for rally. Might say something
John Dean weighs in:
John DeanVerified account @JohnWDean
5m5 minutes ago
BIG DAY: We have learned that we have a criminal President of the United States, who was elected by deceiving the American people. And a man who does not respect the foundation of our nation — the rule of law.
Gretchen and LiliVon has it right. Here’s just a couple of the fevered fans posts!
Mistrial on 10 counts when Manafort didn’t even present a defense can only be bad for Mueller!
how about Paul serve the same amount of time Al Sharpton has served for owing 5 million in back taxes..
NOT 1 Day!
Looks like a lot of folks didn’t know what Manafort was up too. I remember when the campaign hired him, Dana Perino said it was a great hire for him. She’s knows Washington so I suspect he had a halfway decent reputation among Republicans.
Trumps hired some doozies but I don’t much blame him for this one.
It appears Team Mueller didn’t do a very good job with this case. Shocker.
Sarah Sanders when asked:
No comment on both Manafort and Cohen
Trump says Manafort is a good man, it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, it’s a witch hunt, it’s a disgrace.
I am sure that Trump will be a sober, erudite, and contempletive man during tonight’s rally. He will be like the Buddha. Orange Buddha.
Trump getting off plane:
Hair looks more white than blond today
“Manafort is a good man….was with Reagan….very sad thing that happened to him today….has nothing to do with Russian collusion,…witch hunt…disgrace…..not original mission….we continue the witch hunt”
Did not answer questions about Cohen
Trump just landed and is upset at the witch hunt that nailed Manafort. It’s a hoax. There’s NO COLLUSION. Trump needs new material desperately.
OT: As if Trump’s very bad day couldn’t get worse…
Mind Control Alert:
They are playing “Don’t Stop Believing” at W. Virginia rally.
Preet BhararaVerified account @PreetBharara
24m24 minutes ago
Michael Cohen in a courtroom in SDNY, under oath, declared that the President directed him to commit a federal crime.
Happy fucking days.
I see our Don S. is posting where most of the brave dare not go. I commend his courage. ?????
In honor of such wonderous news yet again!:
*hides again*;)
People screaming outside Cohen Court
Oh, how sweet it is
Can’t get this song out of my head for some reason.
Cohen also admitting today that Trump repaid him for Stormy money
UUUUUUHMmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………………. sooooooooooooooooooo I have a question………………. …….. . …………. …….. ….
Since Allen Weisselberg helped set up the shell company that Cohen used to pay out….. is Dernald’s big money man going to get tapped?
Crazy Rudy is now spouting off:
“No *charges* against President in Cohen case”
Brainwashing for the base. Yes, no charges. Plenty of implications.
Never mind that Cohen just admitted in court under penalty of perjury that he committed a federal felony at Trump’s request.
Avenatti going to be on CNN in a minute or two. Expect huge “I told you so”
: )
“We feel Incredibly vindicated”
“Will get to the bottom of the cover up and get POTUS under oath”
‘Here at the News Blender
I feel safest of all
I can chat with Beth, Tiff, Lenny, Steve, Alien and all the others!
It’s the only way to relax at the News Blender.
Here at the site
I can read, receive and type
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days when Trump goes nuts.
Here at the News Blender
Where the Trump illusion breaks down
Will you visit us please
If I open our doors at the Blender
Here in the News Blender
You know I’ve started to think
About laughing to night
At Sean (Sean, Sean, Sean!)’;)
Cohen just plead guilty, without fighting with a court battle. He must really be pissed at Trump, Cohen going down, and he’s going to take Trump with him. Sometimes God says yes.
Party Time.
So is the cult in full denial right now? I don’t have to stomach to wade through that muck today
Thread at link.
And the hits keep on coming:
In 2017, Hunter said this about Donald Trump: “He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole.”
They must be buying a lot of Big Mac meals for Trump tonight. He’s gonna need them.
They should be playing this at the Rally tonight.
The number 2 man in the Senate has said how the GOP is going to handle this…. what idiots.
Posted this down thread, its a perfect song for celebrating lol:
But with Leeish lyrics of course lol caution, tired and they may not make much sense lol:
We’re all dressed up with nowhere to go
Watchin’ the sad Trumpists on fox
We’re all dressed up with nowhere to go
Watchin’ Trump and his lackeys on fox
Waiting for that impeachment to arrive
He’s goin’ to a party where there’s no twitter
Waiting for that impeachment to arrive
Goin’ to watch as Sean and Mark cry
Sean was struck by Trump, walkin’ down the street
Mark was hit by something last night in his sleep
It’s a jailbird’s party who could ask for more?
Everybody’s comin’, leave your twitter at the door
Leave your twitter and phone at the door
Don’t try to leave its all your fault!
Serves you all right!
Their all dressed up, nowhere to go
Watchin’ as Trump does the jailhouse (jailhouse!) bop
Ooh ooh, waitin’ for that impeachment to arrive
Watchin’ as Trump does the jailhouse (jailhouse!) bop
I got my best suit and my tie
With an ice cold bottle of Diet Dr Pepper next to me!
I hear the booms that are coming
Lenny says there’s room for maybe just one more!;)
Paul was hit by indictment, got eight counts!
Michael threw himself on the mercy of the court!
It’s a jailbird’s party, who could ask for more?
Everybody’s comin’, leave your twitter at the door
Leave your twitter and phone at the door
Don’t try to leave its all your fault!
Serves you all right!
Don’t be afraid of those scary indictments!
Mueller’s not going to let you get far! (Ohh yay!)
Don’t be afraid of getting sent to Leavenworth!
It’s all your fault!
Deace sucked up the koolaid, workin’ for Mark
Bongino was hit by something last night in his sleep
It’s a jail bird’s party, who could ask for more?
Everybody’s comin’, leave your twitter at the door
Leave your twitter and phone at the door
Don’t try to leave its all your fault!
Serves you all right!
Don’t be afraid of those scary indictments!
Mueller’s not going to let you get far! (Ohh yay!)
Don’t be afraid of getting sent to Leavenworth!
It’s Mueller time!
It’s Mueller time!
Haha serves you right
It’s Mueller time!
It’s Mueller time!
Haha serves you right
It’s Mueller time!
It’s Mueller time!
It’s Mueller time!