Saturday, Sunday, & Monday Trump Tweets: The Extended Edition

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.


On Saturday President Trump tweeted @ 10:44 a.m. his endorsement of republican Dave Hughes (R) running for Congress in Minnesota. 

Hughes is facing democrat incumbent Collin Peterson, who Ballotpedia says has been in office since 2007.

At 10:47 a.m. President Trump tweeted a quote from Fox Business show host Lou Dobbs.

According to Mediaite the show was a rerun from some time earlier in the week. Mediaite has the clip with the quote from Dobbs posted to their website. 

After quoting Lou Dobbs President Trump @ 11:45 a.m. told Apple in order to avoid tariffs on China, they should, “Make your products in the United States instead of China. Start building new plants now. Exciting!”

Twitter Users replied 



President Trump then tweeted about a New York Times piece written by Nicholas Fandos, a reporter who works for the Washington bureau covering Congress. The tweet that was sent at 2:08 p.m. quotes part of the article linked below the tweet. 

The piece that appeared in Friday’s New York Times and the quote that President Trump believes to be “so true!” reads, “For now, though, Mr. Trump remains the single most popular figure in the Republican Party, whose fealty has helped buoy candidates in competitive Republican primaries and remains a hot commodity among general election candidates.”

The quotes comes after Fandos explains that “If Democrats sweep into control of the House or even the Senate, Republican lawmakers would be freer to challenge Mr. Trump, lawmakers from both parties believe. In that situation, a damaging report from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, regarding Russia’s interference in the 2016 election or Mr. Trump’s attempts to interfere in the investigation could yield a bipartisan response. A stronger showing could all but ensure a strictly partisan one.”

Of note in the article Fondas quotes Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) as telling radio show host Hugh Hewitt in light of the anonymous opinion piece that, “the White House had become a “three-ring circus.” The anonymous piece in The Times this week was “similar to what so many of us hear from senior people around the White House, you know, three times a week,” he told the conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday, adding, “You don’t run the country as a soap opera.” 

5:07 p.m. on Saturday, found President Trump tweeting about “our,” social media “stars” Diamond and Silk, calling the duo “terrific people,” he concludes his tweet by stating, “We are all very proud of them, and their great success!” 

At 6:47 p.m. President Trump wondered how come if he is “all of those terrible things,” the Dems have said about him, how come “he beat them so badly?” Speaking of the election results of 2016. 

At 6:38 p.m. he tweets about the upcoming mid-term election that will be held on November 6th 2018. 

As a reminder President Trump lost the popular vote to Democrat rival Hillary Clinton, he won the Presidency as the Constitution dictates, The Electoral College. President Trump as early as November 2012 blasted the electoral college, via tweet, calling it a “disaster for a democracy.” 


*End Flashback* 

As President on April 2108, he suggested, via Politico, that the popular vote was much easier to win, “Remember, we won the election. And we won it easily. You know, a lot of people say ‘Oh, it was close.’ And by the way, they also like to always talk about Electoral College. Well, it’s an election based on the Electoral College. I would rather have a popular election, but it’s a totally different campaign,” he added, “The Electoral College is different. I would rather have the popular vote because it’s, to me, it’s much easier to win the popular vote.”

President Trump’s last tweet on Saturday came at 6:51 p.m. in which he thanks Diamond and Silk for their support. 

Before logging out of Twitter, President Trump did re-tweet a supporter who predicts President Trump will win in 2020. 


President Trump started Sunday morning on Twitter @ 9:01 a.m. tweeting a clip of Hillary Clinton calling “Trump supporters, deplorables.”

The clip which is one minute and seven seconds long, shows Clinton’s remark, “basket full of deplorables,” then cuts to a Fox Business anchor, explaining that she “apologized,” the clip ends with President Trump telling a crowd they were now, “Proud Deplorables.” The remarks came two years ago today, Sept. 9th, 2016. 

At 9:32 a.m. President Trump then tweets a quote from former Congressman, Jason Chaffetz, who left congress in 2017. Chaffetz authored the book, “The Deep State,” that Goodreads has due out September 18th, 2018.

President Trump shifted to Ford motor company tweeting @ 9:49 a.m. a quote from a Reuters article that appeared on CNBC’s website on August 31st. 

According to the linked article Ford decided to kill the plans for the “Chinese-made Focus Active,” in light of the tariffs on Chinese-imports, the company explained via Reuters, that the “decision to abandon plans to launch it in the U.S. market next year will not cost jobs or have a significant impact on the automaker’s U.S. sales, Ford North America chief Kumar Galhotra told reporters during a conference call on Friday.” 

Ford Motor Company responded to President Trump’s tweet in a statement via The New York Times, “It would not be profitable to build the Focus Active in the U.S. given an expected annual sales volume of fewer than 50,000 units and its competitive segment.”

In the next tweet sent @ 10:01 a.m. President Trump is still talking about cars, tariffs, and China 

Vice President of Labor & Economics Group’s Kristin Dziczek, told USA Today on Sunday that President Trump’s tweet is “wrong,” that “China lowered the tariff rate from 25 percent to 15 percent for most-favored nation status — which is offered to World Trade Organization members — but raised it to 40 percent for the U.S. in retaliation to the tariffs we put on Chinese goods,” she added, “And the tariffs we charge for goods coming into the U.S. is 2.5 percent, not 2 percent. And then we put an additional 25 percent on cars coming from China into the U.S. So now they’re paying 27.5 percent. This is why Ford had to re-evaluate.”

Still focused on the economy President Trump tweeted another CNBC quote @ 10:12 a.m. 

It is unclear what CNBC article or news program President Trump is quoting from as a search of their website resulted in zero matches. 

At 10:42 a.m. President Trump tweeted about the NFL, stating the ratings for the “first game,” were “way down.” 

The first game of the NFL season was on Thursday as was reported @ The News Blender, the teams were the Atlanta Falcons vs.  the Super Bowl Champs, The Philadelphia Eagles. 

In his next two tweets the first coming at 11:21 a.m. the second coming at 11:31 a.m. he talks about North Korea’s 70th anniversary parade to celebrate the countries founding. 

The clip the President quoted from Fox News, aired on Sunday morning.  

At 1:28 p.m. President Trump along with First Lady Melania Trump wished all Jewish people, “Shana Tova,” and sent their “warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah.” This was President Trump’s last tweet for Sunday. 


President Trump started his Monday tweeting at 7:03 a.m. praising the 4.2% GDP, and the low “Unemployment Rate (3.9%)” saying it’s the “first time in over 100 years!” 

Bloomberg  has a report with the GDP rate breakdown of past President’s. The article is from August 1st, and starts with President Eisenhower ending with President Trump. 

History in Pieces breaks down the unemployment rate by President starting in the year 1948, when according to the website the first measure of unemployment numbers started by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

History in Pieces 

7:10 a.m. President Trump tweets that had the “Democrats,” won the election the GDP would be at “minus 4%.” 

He shifts focus at 7:22 a.m. away from the economy and on to “The Woodward Book.” He calls the book, Fear, which is due out on September 11th, a “Joke,” and just “another assault” against him. He also promises a book of his own.

7:35 a.m. he continues calling the White House a “smooth running machine.” 

Still focused on the book at 7:46 a.m. he quotes Katelyn Caralle of the Washington Examiner. 

Katelyn Caralle works for the Washington Examiner, her bio and latest articles can be found here @ the Washington Examiner, her Twitter account can be found here. It’s unclear exactly where her quote the President tweeted about came from. 

After his tweeting quoting Caralle, the President then re-tweets 7 tweets, those can be found @realDonaldTrump

After the re-tweets at 8:36 a.m. he quotes Today show host Savannah Guthrie, who on Monday morning interviewed journalist and Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward about his new book Fear, which details life inside the Oval office under President Trump. 

Woodward explains to Guthrie that while the sources are anonymous, the incidents are not. He has sources from inside the room most of which have been interviewed and recorded with their permission. With the understanding that they’d be kept anonymous.  

For more on Bob Woodward’s book @ The News Blender here

President Trump tweets at 9:57 a.m. that “the Economy is sooooo good,” adding that the “Democrats are flailing @ Lying like CRAZY!” 

As of August 1st, according to the Washington Post, President Trump has made 4,229 “false or misleading claims in 558 days.” 

At 10:42 a.m. President Trump tweets a quote from former President Obama, that President Obama made on June 1st, 2016. 

The quote is posted in the tweet sent by PBS News Hour June 1st, 2016. 

About the opinions in this article…

Any opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this website or of the other authors/contributors who write for it.

About Tiff 2902 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.

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