Trump Tweets: Hopefully The Mueller Report Will Be Covering This

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Friday.

Thursday longtime friend of President Trump, Roger Stone, appeared for a status hearing, U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson did not offer an opinion on whether Stone violated her recently imposed strict gag-order, however she did set deadlines for motion filings and scheduled his trial date for November 5th, 2019. Stone is due back in court April 30th for another status hearing.

Also Thursday Senate Democrats along with 12 Senate Republicans voted to terminate President Trump’s National Emergency Declaration on Southern Border Wall Funding. President Trump is expected to veto the Resolution soon.

To finish his Executive Time on Twitter for Thursday, President Trump tweeted twice. In his 13th tweet, he posted a eighteen minute video of his remarks during the Shamrock Bowl Presentation by the Prime Minister of Ireland event held at the White House, the Prime Minister of Ireland is also featured in the video. He deleted his 14th tweet.

Screen Cap of Deleted Trump Tweet.

For Friday President Trump has tweeted so far six times.

1. My warmest sympathy and best wishes…

As the News Blender reported late Thursday, a mass shooting occurred in Christchurch, New Zealand.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is describing the event as a terrorist attack.

New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush explains that one person has been charged with murder and is expected to be in court on Saturday morning. Three other people have been apprehended. One of those apprehended that was armed, the Commissioner said that person may have had nothing to do with the terror attack, the other two are were also armed, all three are still currently being investigated.

Commissioner Bush explained that at the Deans Ave., Mosque 41 people were killed. At the Linwood Mosque 7 people were killed. 40 people have been treated at Christchurch hospital, one has passed away.

2. The ‘Jexodus’ movement encourages Jewish people to leave the Democrat Party

Politico reports that according to the Jexodus website it “only lists a spokesperson, model and former Trump campaign staffer Elizabeth Pipko, and no other staff. A description on the website says that Jewish millennials are “tired of living in bondage to leftist politics” and accuses Democrats of taking the Jewish vote for granted.”

3. Hopefully the Mueller Report will be covering this.

The Hill reports “It was unclear what exactly in Strzok’s testimony the president referred to in his tweet, as Strzok did not appear to confirm any alleged acts of wrongdoing in the testimony released on Thursday.”

Authors Note: I have not been able to read the full transcript.

4. So, if there was knowingly & acknowledged to be “zero” crime when the Special Counsel was appointed
5. This was an illegal & conflicted investigation in search of a crime.
6. All Caps.


Judges, federal judges including one appointed by President Trump have ruled that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s appointment was both lawful and Constitutional.

As I have been unable to read either Lisa Page or Peter Strzok’s transcripts in full, I present USA Today reporter Brad Heath via tweet with images of the exchanges included.

For example, former Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) behind closed doors while interviewing Strzok seemed hyper focused on a text where Strzok’s in all caps types the word SMELL, in an exchange with Lisa Page, apparently he’d gone to a Walmart and told her “you can SMELL the Trump support,” Gowdy seemed to want Strzok to explain what that smelled like.

As a reminder: This was not testimony given in front of camera’s, this was a line of questioning behind closed doors, in the presence of other Congresspersons, and Strzok’s personal attorney, along with lawyers for the FBI.

As to President Trump’s all caps shouting to the world that a President should never be investigated ever again, nor held to account for their own actions, maybe, instead a President shouldn’t in fact surround themselves with criminals, to avoid you know, the investigations in the first place, just a thought.

This post will be updated within.

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About Tiff 2921 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.