It’s Friday.
The President has finally taken to Twitter to attack former, now disbarred lawyer Michael Cohen, following the self proclaimed “fixer’s” public testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.
Prior to his attacking Cohen President Trump tweeted Thursday 5 times.
He first tweeted that “Everyone MUST,” watch Tucker Carlson’s show opener. In then announced he’d be interviewed by Sean Hannity. In the next two tweets he posted two clips from his presser held before the President departed Vietnam. In his last tweet for Thursday, President Trump thanked troops serving at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, located in Anchorage, Alaska.
President Trump for Friday has tweeted so far 6 times…
1. Relationship very good, let’s see what happens!
President Trump during his presser on Thursday from Vietnam, told gathered reporters, that the U.S. didn’t feel the time was right to lift all sanctions off the isolated country, when the country was only offering to close one nuclear facility.
The Washington Post reported that hours after President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo explained the deal, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho, offered a differing take.
Holding what the Post explains is a rare press conference Ri Yong Ho, explained that “Kim’s regime sought only “partial” sanctions relief in return for dismantling the North’s main enrichment capabilities for fissile material.”
After the rare presser speaking with reporters North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui, “suggested Kim had “lost the will to engage in dealmaking” as the talks unraveled. The United States, she said, was missing a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” and she said no future meetings between the two sides were planned.”
During the presser President Trump received backlash when he explained that he believed Kim Jong Un had no responsiblity in the death of 22 year-old Otto Warmbier.
WOW — Trump says he doesn’t think Kim Jong Un is responsible for Otto Warmbier’s death.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 28, 2019
“I do not think the top leadership knew about it… I do not believe that he would have allowed that to happen… He tells me he did now know about it and I will take him at his word.” pic.twitter.com/mDydJGq2dv
Otto’s parents, Fred and Cindy Warmbier on Thursday provided a statement via CNN, in response to the President’s statement:
We have been respectful during this summit process. Now we must speak out. Kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son Otto. Kim and his evil regime are responsible for unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity. No excuses or lavish praise can change that. Thank you
Fred and Cindy Warmbier via CNN
2. “love letter to Trump”
3. Congress must demand the transcript of Michael Cohen’s new book, given to publishers a short time ago.
4. Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except bye Crooked Hillary
5. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt.
6. Michael Cohen’s book manuscript shows that he committed perjury on a scale not seen before.
The New York Post reports that it’s possible President Trump was reacting to, “Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who said on his show Thursday night via Fox News: “Turns out just weeks before the FBI raided his offices last summer, Michael Cohen was shopping a book proposal.”
During his testimony several Republican Rep’s. asked if Cohen would rule out plans to make money selling his story, could said no.
In February of 2018 The Daily Beast reported that Cohen was “writing a book,” about his time spent as President Trump’s personal attorney.
According to the article The Daily Beast had obtained a copy of the proposal that had the likely title as “Trump Revolution: From The Tower to The White House, Understanding Donald J. Trump, and will focus on the attorney’s role in the president’s campaign and businesses.”
In May of 2018 The Daily Beast reported that the book deal had been cancelled.
In his answer to Mrs. Foxx (R-NC) provided by the clip above, Cohen explains that he did speak prior to his arrested and conviction to publishers, and after his arrest and conviction as well. She asks him to commit to not seeking to earn money off his life story, he continues to answer no he will not commit to not selling his story after his prison sentence.
For what it’s worth: In April of 2017 the Business Insider reported that Cohen would serve as RNC Deputy National Chairman of Finance. He reminded in that post until as ABC News reported in June of 2018, when he resigned. As ABC News reported Cohen in his resignation letter also,”criticized the administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the southern border, the first time he’s distanced himself from the president.”
Cohen wrote, “As the son of a Polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family separation policy is heart wrenching. While I strongly support measures that will secure our porous borders, children should never be used as bargaining chips.”
As a reminder: Cohen’s home was raided in April of 2018, not summer as Tucker Carlson is quoted as saying.
It is not known if a draft of Cohen’s book was ever completed, many media sources reported this morning.
This post will be updated within reason
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