Trump Tweets Before the Rally Edition

Trump Tweets Logo. Image by Lenny Ghoul.

It’s Thursday.

President Trump is holding a #KAG2020 (Keep America Great) rally from Manchester, New Hampshire at 7 p.m. eastern time.

Ahead of the campaign rally, the President is doing what he does best, whining and re-tweeting on Twitter.

So far he has tweeted 7 11 16 times and re-tweeted 16 times.

According to their Twitter bio, Diamond and Silk, Fox Nation Hosts, are President Trump’s most loyal supporters.

According to MAGA Michelle’s Twitter bio, she is married, blocks people who DM (Direct Message) her, and supports the hashtags: KAG, Trump2020, NRA, *Bolsonaro, *Salvini, and *WWGIWGA


Based on the hashtag itself, I’m ensure if she is for or against the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro.

As the News Blender reported Salvini, is Matteo Salvini, Italy’s Interior Minister.

From the article.

Last week the coalition snapped, ostensibly over spending on a new high-speed rail project. Salvini pulled out and demanded that new elections be held immediately. The expectation, based on current polling, is that Salvini would be able to remove Conte, taking his place as Prime Minister.

the News Blender.

On Wednesday The Guardian reported that cracks are starting to appear in Salvini’s bid to remove Conte.

Just under a week later, Salvini’s path to the premiership looks less than smooth after the League’s attempts to call an immediate no-confidence vote in the current leader, Giuseppe Conte, were thwarted on Tuesday by M5S and the centre-left Democratic party (PD). Conte has been summoned to parliament on 20 August to address the crisis and face a possible confidence vote then, but the outcome is uncertain.

The Guardian.

The WWGIWGA hashtag is used by those that mostly support the QAnon conspiracy theory. QAnon supporters have become more visible at President Trump rallies.

In fairness some Twitter users do indeed mock QAnon using the WWGIWGA hashtag.

On Wednesday Philadelphia police attempted to serve an arrest warrant, during which gunfire erupted, six officers were wounded, shortly after midnight the suspect surrendered.

Sergeant Gripp also tweeted that all six officers who were shot have released while one police officer injured in a car crash related to the incident was admitted to a local area hospital. Their release came as the situation was still on-going.

The Washington Post is reporting that Israel has decided to prohibit Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) from entering Israel.

The decision is reversal from last month when both Omar and Tlaib had been cleared for entering Israel, for a trip that was scheduled to start Sunday.

Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister, announced the Israeli Government’s decision to bar entry to the two sitting Congresswomen via Israel’s Reshet Radio.

Israel Policy Forum, a New York based, pro-Israel group, who supports a two-state solution between the Israeli’s and the Palestinian’s, issued a statement after the announcement, expressing their disappointment, urging the Prime Minister to reconsider the reversal.

Israel Policy Forum expresses its disappointment at the reported decision of the Israeli government to deny Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib entry to Israel next week. Any sitting member of Congress should be welcome to visit Israel as official representatives of Israel’s closest ally and most critical source of international support. Furthermore, while we take exception to many of the positions on Israel held by Omar and Tlaib, the best way to demonstrate to them that they should reconsider their stances is for them to see Israel and the challenges it faces firsthand. Denying them entry can only serve to harden their current views, along with delivering an insult to the U.S. Congress, exacerbating partisan divides on Israel, and creating a dangerous precedent. We strongly urge Prime Minister Netanyahu to reconsider.

Israel Policy Forum statement.

Last week Axios reported that the President was telling his advisers that Israel should bar entry to the freshman Congresswomen.


How goes that Middle East Peace Plan?

Past President Trump tweets on the Hong Kong/China conflict.

For more on the escalating tension between Hong Kong and China, @ the News Blender.

On Wednesday the stock market fell 800 points.

On Thursday the stock market opened slightly higher.

On August 13th the New York Times reported that Jonathan Weisman, deputy editor for the Times, was demoted, following social media posts, about race and politics, that the paper said showed a “serious lapse in judgement.”

He’s staying on as editor but will lose his deputy title.

Weisman apologized for the posts, saying in a statement, “I accept Dean’s [Baquet] judgement. I think he’s right to do what he’s doing. I embarrassed the newspaper, and he had to act.

The posts in question which have been deleted happened on July 31st, and August 7th.

Saying @RashidaTlaib (D-Detroit) and @IlhanMN (D-Minneapolis) are from the Midwest is like saying @RepLloydDoggett (D-Austin) is from Texas or @repjohnlewis (D-Atlanta) is from the Deep South. C’mon.

Deleted Tweet via New York Times.

On August 7th, he replied to a tweet.

Replying to a Twitter post by the progressive political organization Justice Democrats that included a photograph of Morgan Harper, a candidate the group was backing for a United States House seat in Ohio, Mr. Weisman noted that she would be challenging Representative Joyce Beatty, an African-American Democrat.
Ms. Harper quickly replied to Mr. Weisman’s message, telling him, “I am also black.”
To that, Mr. Weisman replied, “@justicedems’s endorsement included a photo,” as if that settled the matter.

The New York Times.

For What It’s Worth.

Near as I can tell, the guy was demoted following what was seen as racists tweets on his part, by minority members of the New York Time’s staff.

He was not demoted over article content. Rather he was fired over social media posts, he has said he will no longer be active on social media.

Says the man that hates everyone that doesn’t lick his boots.

This is not normal.

I mean seriously not normal.

Tariffs = tax on American Consumers.

Trade wars are not easy to win. Who knew?

The trade war with China has last over a year. The economy is reacting negatively to that easy to win war.

As the News Blender reported, the President’s idea to impose a 10 percent tariff on $300 billion worth of Chinese imports starting September 1st, has been delayed, for some products, including smartphones, and laptops, until December 15th.

The reason for the delay?

The Christmas shopping season.

So is President Trump suggesting he will not forgive the media, for reporting that the El Paso shooter, wrote a manifesto using the same words that President and Fox News to describe immigrates? Citing that he was acting because the country was being invaded?

Or does he mean he will not forgive the shooters?

The New York Times reported in February 2018 that prior to killing seventeen and wounding seventeen others, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High shooter, had been reported to the FBI tip-line.

As the article notes, “The authorities have acknowledged mishandling numerous warning signs that Mr. Cruz was deeply troubled. There were tips to the F.B.I. about disturbing social media posts. There were visits by social services to his home. There were dozens of calls to 911 and the local authorities, some mentioning fears that he was capable of violence.”

Think Progress reported on Thursday that according to a Senate Report, the FBI dragged it’s feet “on the investigation itself while Nassar was still working at Michigan State, and still actively abusing patients. “Nassar remained employed by MSU for 420 days after the FBI received a report from USAG of credible allegations against Nassar on July 27, 2015,” the report states.”

The 235 page report a result of a 18 month-investigation by the U.S. Senate can be found here.

According to the FBI they employee, “approximately 35,000 people, including special agents and support professionals such as intelligence analysts, language specialists, scientists, and information technology specialists.”

According to the Mueller Report, “The Special Counsel attorneys and support staff were co-located with and worked alongside approximately 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, a paralegal, and professional staff assigned by the FBI to assist the Special Counsel’s investigation.”

The rally should be lit!

This post will be updated within reason.

This is an Open Thread.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.