Watch Live: Trump Campaign Rally Minneapolis, Minnesota

President a cave.

President Trump is heading for Minnesota, where he’ll hold a campaign rally at the Target Center, in Minneapolis.

The campaign rally comes as we end day 16 of the impeachment inquiry.

For day 16, the House Committees handling the impeachment inquiry announced that they had issued subpoenas for Rick Perry, President Trump’s Energy Secretary, and two Rudy Giuliani associates.

Giuliani’s associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman’s subpoena follows the arrest of both Parnas and Fruman on charges they violated U.S. campaign finance rules. As the News Blender reported on Thursday, Giuliani said back in May that Parnas and Fruman were both clients.

During his famous helicopter gaggle prior to departing he was asked about Parnas and Fruman, where he said he didn’t know them, but it was “possible I have a picture with them.”

But nope, he doesn’t know them.


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Reminder this is rally one in a two night event. Tomorrow President Trump heads to Louisiana to hold another campaign rally.

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About Tiff 2721 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.