Iowa Caucus 2020

Image by Brett Neilson

It’s time.

The first Presidential Primary is currently underway in Iowa.

The history of the Iowa Caucus explained by Iowa PBS.

The New York Times explains that the caucuses will begin at 8 p.m. eastern time at more “than 1,600 sites across the state.”

They will vary in length, “small gatherings can be over in minutes, larger ones can last up to two hours.”

The Washington Post explains in their live update thread explains that the “first of a handful of satellite caucuses — for Iowans living abroad in Paris, Glasgow and Tbilisi, Georgia — took place early Monday, with results to be released later.”

Along with Democrats holding their primary on Monday, the Republicans are also holding their caucuses with two candidates, Bill Weld and Joe Walsh, hoping to upset President Impeached Donald J. Trump.

The Senators in the Democratic race, “Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) and Michael F. Bennet (Colo.), are all back in Washington for the impeachment trial of Trump. Warren, Sanders and Klobuchar have said they plan to return to Iowa on Monday night; Bennet will return to New Hampshire once impeachment proceedings wrap up Monday.”

Candidates that aren’t Senators include, “former vice president Joe Biden; former South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg; entrepreneur Andrew Yang; and investor Tom Steyer.”

Twitter Users Thoughts on Iowa.

From the candidates.

Amy get’s two, because AWE the first one.

Iowa Caucuses hashtags that are trending on Twitter currently.




Live Feed USA Today.

Live Feed Des Moines Register.

Live Feed NBC News.

As a reminder Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) won the 2016 Iowa Caucasus bet was beaten out of the Republican Nomination to Donald Trump, the now Impeached President.

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About Tiff 2719 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.