Jeff Sessions Resigned/Fired as Attorney General

Senator Jeff Sessions speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC.. Photo by Gage Skidmore.

President Trump announced via Twitter that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned and that Matthew G. Whitaker, Sessions Chief of Staff will become acting Attorney General.

According to Attorney General Jeff Sessions resignation letter, Session is resigning at the President’s request. The letter goes on to say that he has been honored to serve as Attorney General and has “worked to implement the law enforcement agenda based on the rule of law that formed a central part of,” President Trump’s campaign.

The relationship between President Trump and his now former Attorney General become strained after AG Sessions recused himself from Russian Election Meddling investigation.

At this time Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the Special Counsel Robert Mueller Russian Probe, is, according to the Washington Post, “considered in a safe position for the moment.”

During President Trump’s news conference on Wednesday the President deflected questions asked about any changes he foresaw in his cabinet.

This is a developing story there will be more to come as more updates are made available. 

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About Tiff 2927 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.