House to Prepare for Public Phase of the Impeachment Inquiry

Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) 2013. Photo By. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The House Committee Rules Chairman James McGovern (D-MA) announced on Monday that the Rules Committee will mark up a resolution that will ensure “transparency and provide” a clear path forward as the House prepares for the public-facing phase of the Impeachment Inquiry.

McGovern issued the following statement:

This is a solemn time for our country. With our existing authority under the Constitution and the rules of the House, Congress has been investigating serious allegations involving President Trump and Ukraine. There is mounting evidence that the president abused his power and betrayed our national security while compromising the integrity of America’s elections. As committees continue to gather evidence and prepare to present their findings, I will be introducing a resolution to ensure transparency and provide a clear path forward, which the Rules Committee will mark up this week. This is the right thing to do for the institution and the American people

McGovern statement 10/28/19

The news of the resolution comes as former Deputy National Security Adviser Charles Kupperman failed to appear on Monday for a scheduled deposition.

Kupperman has filed a lawsuit as the New York Times reported on Friday. Kupperman asked the court to provide clarification on whether or not he can testify before the Committees handling the Impeachment Inquiry.

From the New York Times:

Plaintiff obviously cannot satisfy the competing demands of both the legislative and executive branches, and he is aware of no controlling judicial authority definitively establishing which branch’s command should prevail,” the suit said.

The implications of the suit, filed in federal court in Washington, extend beyond Mr. Kupperman. His lawyer, Charles J. Cooper, also represents Mr. Bolton and is likely to address congressional requests for his testimony in a similar fashion. House Democrats have had discussions with Mr. Cooper in recent days about Mr. Bolton testifying but have not subpoenaed him.

The New York Times.

The resolution will be introduced on Tuesday, with the Rules Committee holding the mark up on Wednesday at 3 p.m. eastern time.

The Washington Post was the first to report to resolution.

This is a developing story.

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About Tiff 2666 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.