Watch Live: Chief Justice Roberts and Senators are Sworn In Ahead of Impeachment Trial

U.S. Capitol at Dusk September 2013. Photo by Martin Falbisoner.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts along with U.S. Senators will be sworn in on Thursday afternoon ahead of the Senate Trial to determine if President Donald Trump should be removed from office following the House’s Impeachment.

Early Thursday Senators gathered to hear the reasons that President Trump should be removed from Office regarding his abuse of power and Obstruction of Congress.

In light of new evidence presented by indicted Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas that has been released to the public, Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) was asked if the new evidence should be considered in the Senate trial. She did not answer instead she called the reporter a “liberal hack.”

McSally was appointed to fill the Senate seat once held by Senator John McCain. Her appointed followed her losing the Senate race to Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). McSally faces election for the seat in 2020.

As the News Blender covered on Thursday the Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan agency, issued a report detailing their findings that the Office of Management and Budget violated the law by withholding funds from Ukraine.

Surprising no one, GOP lawmakers are dismissing the report.

Chief Justice Roberts has arrived.

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About Tiff 2921 Articles
Member of the Free Press who is politically homeless and a political junkie.