In the shadows of the pandemic and amid civil unrest, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his involvement with the Russian Election interference of 2016 investigation.
Likely questions to be asked are why he felt the need to appoint Special Counsel Robert Mueller to oversee the Russian investigation, and does he agree with Mueller that President Coward may have obstructed justice as Mueller explained in the Mueller Report. What he knew about Crossfire Hurricane the FBI named investigation into Team Trump. And anything and everything about FISA applications.
I’m sure some Deep State question will arise, and what if anything he knew about former President Obama’s handling of the Russian probe. Along with the Deep State questions, I’m sure Rosenstein will be asked if he truly floated the idea of invoking the 25th Amendment against President Coward.
Walter Shaub, former Director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, via tweets offered up some suggestions for questions he’d like answered.
Rod Rosenstein is testifying today. Re-upping these suggestions for questions I hope senators ask him:
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 3, 2020
1. How did your fraudulent memo taking credit for firing Comey comport with DOJ's views on "lack of candor"?
(see McCabe firing)
2. When the Mueller team looked into Trump's obstruction of justice, why weren't you deemed a witness?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 3, 2020
3. Or, if you were deemed a witness, why didn't you recuse?
4. Did you play a role in defining the scope of the investigation to exclude your drafting the fraudulent memo?
5. Why were you silent when Barr deceived America about the contents of the Mueller report?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 3, 2020
6. Is it true that you begged Trump not to fire you by tweet and asked him to let you "land this plane"? If so, how did your passion for keeping your job influence the investigation?
7. What did you tell Trump about the Mueller investigation's activities and findings? When did you tell him these things?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 3, 2020
8. Why didn't you support issuing a subpoena for Trump's verbal testimony?
9. Did you communicate with Trump after he demanded that you and 45 other US attorneys to resign? What was said?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 3, 2020
10. When he let you and one of the other 45 US attorneys keep your jobs did he tell you why he was retaining you? Have you and he ever discussed loyalty?
11. What roll did Barr play in determining that the Mueller investigation should be ended? What roll did you play?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 3, 2020
12. What was the status of the investigation into whether the FBI's NY field office leaked information to Rudy Giuliani?
13. What mechanisms did Barr establish to receive dirt on Trump's political rival, Joe Biden from Rudy Giuliani, the president's private attorney? What information has been received from Giuliani?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 3, 2020
14. Did the Justice Department open a criminal investigation into President Trump's omission of his debt to Michael Cohen for the hush money payoff to Stormy Daniels following the referral of the matter to DOJ by the Office of of Government Ethics? If not, why not?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 3, 2020
Eric Tucker with the Associated Press will be following Rosensteins testimony and posting updates via Twitter.
Follow this space for updates on Rosenstein’s Russia testimony
— Eric Tucker (@etuckerAP) June 3, 2020
As we wait, here’s a clip of his most memorable congressional appearance when he told Jim Jordan that phone calls can’t be subpoenaed. Sort of his “asparagus” moment
As a reminder Rosenstein was appointed by President Coward and resigned his post as Deputy Attorney General on May 11th, 2019.
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